Dark time to help buds to finish off maturing?


Active Member
Hey so the problem is I have a plant growing which is about 2 month into flowering, it is looking really good
has some nice looking cola's on it, but I am moving in 2 weeks and don't think it is gonna be ready in time.

On the buds about half way down the plant the hairs are turning about 25% brown but i understand ideally
you want about 75%, the thing i am wondering is ( I keep being told it works but i want some proof ) can you
put the plants into total darkness for a week or 2, for the buds to finish maturing?

I know in an ideal world I would want to leave the plants under the same light cycle for the remaining time or end up
sacrificing yield. But as I am moving off to uni i don't have a choice, I was just wondering if anybody knows if
this would work? Or am I best off just leaving the lights on and just harvesting it early?



New Member
I know some people do a few days of darkness before harvest, but I wouldn't want to fuck with moving plants to a new place. The darker the trichs get the more cbd the buds will have, so if you harvest at 75% amber that's pretty dark for an indica.


Active Member
Also I wouldn't have to move them anywhere else, their current home is light proof. So if I turned the light off they would be in complete darkness


Active Member
My plants sit for around a week while I am trimming them. However, the room must be refrigerator cold and the soil of the plants totally dry for this to work. It really helps ripen the buds also.