Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Just got back from seeing the grandkids...having a pleasant day so far and gotta pull another all nighter..eye doctor in the AM...then the mall for Christmas shopping ;)

A rollitup mag? what a great idea! how exciting :)

Sup, Rosey do ok Hun.....Where is everyone? New Mag maybe coming.....


Well-Known Member
Guess I should wear gloves when trimming one bud trimmed and look at my fingers its like super glue so F-ing sticky IMG_0102.jpg


Well-Known Member
600w cool tube can cover 4' x 4' right?
Seems like it would work.. I would add in a few CFL'S and or maybe those new LED bulbs just for alittle extra lumens. Should work A+ ok bro.. :mrgreen:
Oh, BOO Fucking Hoo....A man gets a Very nice PC and Bitches!:confused:
Kiss it! Bawhahaha.... ;) j/k. Hell yeah I'm bitching! What is the use having the damn thing if its not usable unless you have a 80$ a month internet connection.. :??: lol.. No bullshit. Even all these damn games I bought can NOT be played unless you have a net connection... WTF :??: I remember being able to purchase a game and pop that bitch in and play it no issues! Now this shit!
They made sure to put it in the fine print so you don't know untill its done said and over with..
;) I thought that was dirty of them.. lol..

har har back at you there buddy! you know my real name...thinks about it...;) lol damnnnnnnnit man...
too much for your taste? how about some fruit loops...I personally LOVE them...
we used to live down the street from the General Mills plant, smell of fruit loops and and cocoa Puffs all day long every day...like breakfast for your nose ;) LOL
Cocoa Puffs is ok, as with the Fruit Loops (if that's all I got) I would eat it I guess. Lol
Now if "bud" smells or tastes like the FB or FL, you'd better believe I would be all over it!

get 'em BEECH. Wish I had a new computer. Mine has issues :(
what you up to today buddy?

and a big howdy to everyone this evening ;)
Kiss IT!! You know how long I've been without a computer.. Been having to do all these updates with this damn cell phone which SUCKS major balls! So, imo its bout time I got something that will work good.. ;) haha..

Sup, Rosey do ok Hun.....Where is everyone? New Mag maybe coming.....
Ok now Beech, am I going to be in the new upcoming magazine :??: lol.. Its a thought.. ;) So when did this come about :??: Also, when would it even come out :??:

Guess I should wear gloves when trimming one bud trimmed and look at my fingers its like super glue so F-ing sticky View attachment 2917511
;) I know what your going through bro.. Smae thing happen to me when trimming the Afghan x Yumbolt & Berry Bomb.. Messed my trimmers all up!! :fire: I swear, I spend I don't know how much $$ on trimmers alone.. lol

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Seems like it would work.. I would add in a few CFL'S and or maybe those new LED bulbs just for alittle extra lumens. Should work A+ ok bro.. :mrgreen:

Kiss it! Bawhahaha.... ;) j/k. Hell yeah I'm bitching! What is the use having the damn thing if its not usable unless you have a 80$ a month internet connection.. :??: lol.. No bullshit. Even all these damn games I bought can NOT be played unless you have a net connection... WTF :??: I remember being able to purchase a game and pop that bitch in and play it no issues! Now this shit!
They made sure to put it in the fine print so you don't know untill its done said and over with..
;) I thought that was dirty of them.. lol..

Cocoa Puffs is ok, as with the Fruit Loops (if that's all I got) I would eat it I guess. Lol
Now if "bud" smells or tastes like the FB or FL, you'd better believe I would be all over it!

Kiss IT!! You know how long I've been without a computer.. Been having to do all these updates with this damn cell phone which SUCKS major balls! So, imo its bout time I got something that will work good.. ;) haha..

Ok now Beech, am I going to be in the new upcoming magazine :??: lol.. Its a thought.. ;) So when did this come about :??: Also, when would it even come out :??:

;) I know what your going through bro.. Smae thing happen to me when trimming the Afghan x Yumbolt & Berry Bomb.. Messed my trimmers all up!! :fire: I swear, I spend I don't know how much $$ on trimmers alone.. lol
Does this reply indicate that I also just made a multi quote reply - LMAO. I can tell your not sonted yet bro...that reply took some effort :clap:


Well-Known Member
;) Yup, I've yet 2 toke.. lol.. Been damn Christmas shopping all damn day! So I'm damn sure ready to blaze that shit up! Lol
Homie... shopping anymore is like unorganized chaos... with what you produce, why don't you prepare before you go so you're tuned for the shopping experience? ;)



Well-Known Member
Cocoa Puffs is ok, as with the Fruit Loops (if that's all I got) I would eat it I guess. Lol
Now if "bud" smells or tastes like the FB or FL, you'd better believe I would be all over it!

Kiss IT!! You know how long I've been without a computer.. Been having to do all these updates with this damn cell phone which SUCKS major balls! So, imo its bout time I got something that will work good.. ;) haha..
wow...looks like me and BEECH are kissin a lot of ass tonight


Well-Known Member
Uhhhhh... :o You have 2 keep in mind, I am sir toke a lot. Lol.. That and I have the CRSS. (Can't remember shit syndrome). ;) Which offer are we speaking of :??: I will check pm out. Lol
ok Forest...er Sir Tokesalot.... with CRRS, PM about the family ..;)

scene one...dank fussin over his ladies, taking pics and admiring his work :)
scene two..dank passed out on sofa, empty cereal bowl in view, tv still playing in the background ;)
scene three...dank out for the night in la la land courtesy of his gangsta loud BYY



Well-Known Member
philly is where im from[video=youtube;SBlu8SMPpew]https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SBlu8SMPpew[/video]


Well-Known Member
Haha.. That's funny. Lol.. Seriously bro. If I toked up on some shit like what I'm kicking out, I wouldn't be able to move!! Hell, it had my ass so high the other night, I had to go outside in the damn middle of the night, freezing COLD, and almost puked everywhere. :spew: And just think, I've been toking for years! Lol
Homie... shopping anymore is like unorganized chaos... with what you produce, why don't you prepare before you go so you're tuned for the shopping experience? ;)

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