Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
How is everyone this morning? Damn I guess everyone is MIA this morning... I sure have noticed allot of regulars MIA recently. And even thought the like button is here "now" its sure damn hard as hell to get some likes now up in this mo fo.. lol Maybe this will help. Going to keep posting pictures like these until I get at least 1 like.. lol j/k guys. Having a good morning, so far. And feeling GREAT!! ;)

PIC_0685.JPG PIC_0684.JPG PIC_0679.JPG PIC_0678.JPG PIC_0676.JPG PIC_0674.JPG PIC_0673.JPG PIC_0671.JPG PIC_0670.JPG PIC_0669.JPG
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Well-Known Member
Morning Dank ol'boy! I'm just hanging out drinkin some coffee. I gotta process a bunch of oil today, and then spend a few hours in the garden later.

hope your having a good monday :)!
Thanks bro.. I hear that.. I was thinking about fixing up a scooter my father n law went out and wrecked over the weekend smashing his collar bones & ribs all to hell. Had to go find the bike cause he was knocked out unconsciousness, postman ended up finding him & taking him to the the er. Once I located the bike, 4 guys that had 2 flatbed trucks was there getting ready to steal it! So needless to say I had to show their asses just who the boss was.. haha ;) getting to old for that shit I tell ya. lol
Having a great morning so far. Was glad to hear from you, and I hope you have as much fun running the oil as I know I would 5436.gif

Did somebody get a new lens this weekend? ;) :) Looking frosty up in there Dankster :mrgreen:
Thanks MD. ;) means allot. Naw, just an old jewelers lope I had laying around is all. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good.. :) I think I will have to go digging myself just to find the link due to all the notices I am getting lol. Oh well, it should be a few pg's back, I will find it I am sure.. ;) it was good hearing from you, and everyone else this morning. Hope you have a great day..
I'll do an update later on my Hawaiian skunk haze :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds good.. :) I think I will have to go digging myself just to find the link due to all the notices I am getting lol. Oh well, it should be a few pg's back, I will find it I am sure.. ;) it was good hearing from you, and everyone else this morning. Hope you have a great day..
You too Dankster :)
Hey...have you heard anything from Rosey? Just wondering how she's recovering from surgery :???:
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