

Well-Known Member
sorry about your grow,take a brake and let your MOJO marinate and try it again later...peace
perhaps you re trying to hard bro . let the plant do its mojo , and you be its spiritual adviser guiding it along its destine path to greatness .


Active Member
chill Bra!!! Things are gonna get easier......Having all your plants die is the second worst thing that can happen....after detection. I believe growing is simple but not easy....so now that you have lived the second worst possible outcome of growing....you have nowhere to go but up....try again...back to basics....(the rocky theme starts kickin in here!!!) get some clones give food water light and a BIT ofv TLC...wait 2-3 months bam! WEED CHAMP!

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Don't give up, just take a break, clear your mind of the frustration, and then try again learning from your mistakes.
I started in hydro. Everyone says start in soil first then learn hydro...Well, I did it the other way and I can grow very well in hydro but I can not grow shit in soil. I tried soil twice as it is lower maintenance than hydro and never lived long enough to make it out of veg.
If at first you don't succeed, read up and study why...then try again.
Also start with cheap seeds like Skunk#1. They are cheap and good for beginners before you try expensive strains.


Well-Known Member
just use bagseed. do 3 plants at a time. easiest way to learn. my first grow only 1/3 made it. i learned from that grow and now 3/3 made it this year. growing is quite easy. just pH your water. add nutes every now and then and make sure they're getting light. the plant will do everything else.

oh and with bagseed even if you fuck up atleast you didint drop any cash on seeds. im nearing the end of my 2nd grow and im still not gonna buy seeds this after this year. if my outdoor crop 2011 works out nice, im gonna start buying seeds only then. i dont reccommend buying seeds until youve gone through atleast 2 grows, and atleast one being successful.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Too add to bag seeds. While your learning the grow and you happen to get a male and female, let them be. You get seeded but can still smoke it. Then you have more FREE seeds to learn with and then you can move to a female only crop next. You get experience on seeing a plant mature into a female and a male so you can more easily spot the differences the next go so you can pull the males and have good virgin buds.
When the seeds are free, your only expense is your time, nutes, and electricity. Screwing up free seeds is a lot better than screwing up $100+ seeds that you buy.
I did that with my skunk#1. That gave me many "training" seeds to learn and experiment with.
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
hi there

ive said it enough but im a complete noob at this hoby but!

a m8 of mine had a similar problem he kept geting plants 2-3 weeks into veg and then they would start to wilt and die he found out it was due to a disease that attacks the roots bought in to the grow room from fan intakes.
the fans would suck in spores from outside that cause a slime effect on the roots stoping the intake of vital nutes and even water hope this will help if you take it back up all the best