Damn, I think I messed up...


New Member
Well, the thursday before last, I changed out my reservoir. The following sunday, I was having heat issues and my plants had absorbed half of my res.

Well, I topped off the reservoir several times since then. Its a 10 gallon res. The thing is, my plants are looking like they're not getting enough nutes, so this time, when I topped off the res, I more or less topped it off with half-strength nutes and was wondering if that's a fatal mistake and if I should change my res out before my pump feeds my plants?

Thanks for any help.

I was thinking the plant absorbed half of the res, that was my factor, but I don't know how much nutrients were absorbed and my PPM meter is in the mail. I more or less mixed it back to a little lighter than the color it was when I first changed the res. But for all I know, the color is just dye and there's no way of telling how strong the solution is by how much it has faded.

I probably mixed too much. I'm almost certain I'm changing it out.


Well-Known Member
hey u do know there is a item called a ppm meter it will tell you how much they use to the nearest tenth.. and then you won't have to second guess things ever again. oh and there only like $20 bucks..


Well-Known Member
You definitely need a PPM & PH meter. A lot of people say you can just add more nutes/water and be fine. However, I never had luck with that. I would run in to crazy deficiencies.

I believe you need to flush your reservoir at least every two weeks & add new nutrients. There is absolutely no way for you to tell which nutes and how much of a particular nute the plants are taking in.

If I were you I would change change my res and mix new nutrients. But, like I said before other people have had success with just adding partial nutes/topping off. In the end it's what works for you.


New Member
hey u do know there is a item called a ppm meter it will tell you how much they use to the nearest tenth.. and then you won't have to second guess things ever again. oh and there only like $20 bucks..
yea mine broke and i have a new one in the mail. i know what they are.

You definitely need a PPM & PH meter. A lot of people say you can just add more nutes/water and be fine. However, I never had luck with that. I would run in to crazy deficiencies.

I believe you need to flush your reservoir at least every two weeks & add new nutrients. There is absolutely no way for you to tell which nutes and how much of a particular nute the plants are taking in.

If I were you I would change change my res and mix new nutrients. But, like I said before other people have had success with just adding partial nutes/topping off. In the end it's what works for you.
Yeah, I had a brain slip.

I have a pH meter, but my PPM meter quit functioning.

I definitely change my res every 2 weeks and follow the nute company's schedule.

My res is half cleaned out already. I don't know what I was thinking. I was high as fuck and didn't want to change out my res before schedule, but better that than ruin my plant.