damn i have the munchies

thanks but no danks

Active Member
but anyways...

my current situation...

i had 9 plants(planted april 20th/sativa looking bag seed/guerilla grow), 3 of which still only had 5 finger leaves and are about 3 ft tall, the other 6 with beautiful dark green 7 finger leaves and about 5 ft tall

i go to the beach for three days,finally come back to check on my babies and what the fucking fuck! those 6 amazing looking plants all have pollen sacks and are yellowing, so fml 6 males...

so now, my 3 last plants, like i said they are about 3 foot tall grown from april 20th and starting to flower, what the hell... are they supposed to be so far behind the males like that? please tell me they will look just as beautiful as the males i so hated to trash did, and is it too late to top again(only did it once)? now having only 3 plants i want as much yield as possible, i tryed tying them down and i will see how that goes, but yeah whats the best bet for me right now? will tying them down increase yield be a noticable amount?

one more n00b1sh question... never really got into the whole nutrients thing, just gave my plants a small amount of miracle grow for the first time the other day, and the soil its in was supposed to come with fert and nutes in it already, so is it even necessary that i flush them before harvest??? i hope not becuase my plants are reallyyyyyyyy far away from any water systems and idk about carrying 20 buckets of water with me lol

so should a female plant still have 5 finger leaves, and be so short (rememeber its sativa) if its been growing 3 months?

i would like to post pics but the only way to do so is to send the pictures from my phone to my online phone album, whish is not a good idea, but i will try to figure something out

-a worried first time grower


Active Member
Yep...in my experience it's always the best, biggest healthiest plants turn out to be males. Just wait...the females will catch up and you'll forget all about the ones you had to kill...



Well-Known Member
Yep...in my experience it's always the best, biggest healthiest plants turn out to be males. Just wait...the females will catch up and you'll forget all about the ones you had to kill...

thats tru i remeber about a month ago ripping my favorite plant,, broke my heart but i had to do it, now i got a new favorite