Daily water top ups for seedlings


When adding water to the hydroton every day, should I use regular water or nute water? I think it's just plain water but need confirmation. Also, when do you stop top-feeding?

My regular tap water is about 8.4 pH so I'm a bit concerned that adding this will raise the overall pH of the water.


Well-Known Member
Either really. What are you running for nute solution? You don't HAVE to water it with nutes until you get a couple sets of leaves, but as long as your not pouring 400ppm on it you will be fine with either.


My hydro is dry on the top but slightly submerged at the bottom. I'm reluctant to water the top because I think the root riots are still a little wetter than they should be, so I'm also waiting for them to lose some of their moisture. Is this okay, or should I dig up the hydroton and squeeze the excess moisture from the root riots myself?