Cyco nutrients


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I ended up with the full lineup of cyco nutrients. I'm going to do a side by side using earthjuice + B1, and cyco with some clones to keep everything equal. I do not have the rhyzofuel, supa sticky or suga rush. Is it worth it to A) buy these at an extravagant cost B) skip them completely C) use a different brand replacement. I will be in soil with 5 gal fabric pots if that makes any diff. I'm not afraid of the cost but I'm not one to piss money away with no purpose especially if there's something better.

I have read so many different things and I just can't wrap my head around it or keep it straight what everyone suggests.
I grow commercially and use megacrops 2 part nutrient. Before that I used their one part and loved it.