cutting of the leafs help plz


why is it that im seeing videos and pictures of peoples plants with there fan leafs cut halfway down on each finger of each leaf what does this do what purpose does it make?


idk exactly from a MJ perspective but, in biology this method is used mainly for pulling more water through the plant. The cauts allow more transpiration to occur which leads to more water being pulled through the xylem:)


Active Member
Some people do this to clones so the fan leaves aren't weighted and hang down when its fighting to push out roots. Also I guess it saves space in small clone trays with a bunch packed in. I've also seen someone do it because they burnt the tip of the leaf and thought it would spread, which it wont. I'm sure there are other reasons but that all I've seen it done for.


idk exactly from a MJ perspective but, in biology this method is used mainly for pulling more water through the plant. The cauts allow more transpiration to occur which leads to more water being pulled through the xylem:)
*I just double checked myself and thats exactly what its for:) good for transplants too! Thankyou college!*


It will heal eventually but that takes time. The amount of force needed to pull up a substantial amount of water through the plant is not much. In a matter of hours it could pull up twice as much as normal (i.e. Twice is just an example idk exact because every condition is different).


in a sense yes. it mainly makes sure that the plant doesn't go through as much shock when replanting, as it is just as full of water as it was:)