Cutting Early. Double Dare Me?


Well-Known Member
So some of you may know, I am a total noob to the growing world. And this being my first 'real' grow. ( I grew in college, but that was bogus )

I know I have a week or two left until harvest but I was wondering... can I harvest part of the plant? More specifically, I'd like to cut just the main cola. I read in a few places, that doing so can help growth of the lower buds because more light is now getting to them... What are peoples thoughts on this?

Here is the bud I want to cut......



Well-Known Member
Dag nabit!! I was hoping you wouldn't say that... I know it's the right thing to do, but damn my mouth waters every time I look at it...


Well-Known Member
Nah if you cut it now its potency still isn't to its potential yet not worth it.


Well-Known Member
Yea, you guys are right... but damn.. it's so tempting. I don't know how some of you can handle it... with a sea of green dank buds that are on the verge...

So the hairs are about 50% orange -- and the trichomes are still fairly clear.. I have to assume Im about 7 - 10 days away?

Any guesses from the picture?
I have cut a small part off to "sample" In fact I am waiting for the vap to hit 210 so I can smoke..errr sample a 7 week headband that is still in 12.12 and will be for 3 more weeks:joint:


Well-Known Member
Grrrr! It's so tempting... I might cut a small node on a lower branch... I know it wont grow much more in the next 7 days...


Active Member
Grrrr! It's so tempting... I might cut a small node on a lower branch... I know it wont grow much more in the next 7 days...
maan stop that shit, I don't wanna hear about your tempting plant.

unless your going to give me some.


look at the trichs... they are your guide, it all depends on how much longer based on strain...

Doesnt matter really, you will want to let it cure for about 2 months anyway... Seriously, this is the last step and it takes patience... Flush them out the last 10 days, good flushing. Cut and let them hang for about a week, maybe more, until they are dry... Once they are dry then put them ina glass container, in the dark and open it once a day to get fresh air inside... You want to cure for at least 2 months... this makes the difference between ok and f--king great potency and smoke

Youre so close, do it right bro


Well-Known Member
just clip a teeny tiny one but you will have to dry it out to smoke it. i clipped one the other day because it didn't look so healthy but I saveed it and smoked it earlier and it got me pretty high. if a little unhealthy bud can do that, yours will definitely do much more. mines still long way from harvest :(


Well-Known Member
I've worked through my temptations! I will not be cutting my buds! Not this week at least....

2 months cure!!! Not a chance that will happen with me. Not a chance. I will dry them out sure.. a week or two.. but curing... no way my I will be able to wait that long.


Well-Known Member
I've worked through my temptations! I will not be cutting my buds! Not this week at least....

2 months cure!!! Not a chance that will happen with me. Not a chance. I will dry them out sure.. a week or two.. but curing... no way my I will be able to wait that long.
Ya man, just leave her be, if the trichs are still MOSTLY clear and some are turning milky, then you have roughly 2 weeks or so, then another 5-10 days drying, then about another week or so of curing, ye still a ways off man, do it right and you'll love it even more :D