Curved Stem of 36 day old plant

Please help me out. I am a newbie and I have a hydroponic setup. These plants are 36 weeks old. I have four plants and one of them has a really defined curve to the stem. Here are two pics one of the curved stem and the other is the normal stem. This is chemdawg. Any thoughts? Suggestions?photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
No biggy ...tape a split if it hassles you so much, just ensure it don't topple over
No biggie. Alright that sounds good. Thanks man. When you say tape a split, you saying put a tomato stick in their and tape it up? Any particular tape I should use?


Well-Known Member
I have used sellotape in the past or any tape that can be cut away easily in 2-3 weeks


Active Member
if not tape, i use wireing . Just make sure it keeps it up, but also allowes it to grow. I remember one time i used wire, and i put that thing on tigth. Suddenly one day my whole plant was on the floor cut in half. lol, it had just grown around it and a pull on the wire just snapped it two.