Curled at the tips..still? PICS!


Hey RIU crew, still a total nube and need some serious help, a week ago I noticed some curling of the edges of the leaves. This is from the side to the middle. I was told it was to big of an issue, maybe ventilation maybe heat stress, maybe nothing. We'll they layer down a little but the very edges want to curl still!! Any thoughts would be much appreciated!!!!image.jpgimage.jpg


Well-Known Member
to much heat and looks a bit over watered. 76F at in the shade of the plant is best, So I think. good luck


I have them in a smaller closet and the ventilation isn't to well. My problem is my light is only a 150 watt hps. I have a fan and all that but if it's getting to Hot should I raise the light even though it's a small light? I really have no way to get air flow from outside in? Any ideas it's a closet and I rent so pitting holes in shit isn't a good plan? Any ideas man?


It does have a ballast it's not some bullshit rig for outdoors, so I would say its a true 150 it can hold a 400 watt but I'm afraid it gets to hot as it is; I can't ventilate it. The closet has sliding doors and I rent it blows but if u got any ideas how to lemme know other wise I'll try to hold back on the water a bit and put the light up slightly. How do they look otherwise? View attachment 2837603


Well-Known Member
This is my set up with my 150w hps. I was finding it way to hot originally, so I removed the ballast and mounted externally. I then modified my hood to mount he 150 vertically and made room to mount 4 cfls. I hang a little comp fan with some wire to blow across the lamps. Its much cooler like this, than with the ballast in the veg box and no cfls. I also have proper air exchange to help maintain a controlled temp.


Well-Known Member
fan is good but if your running to hot setup something to blow air out of or into the box, or have a burned plant.


Well-Known Member
I am running hydro so not much help here other than when my leaves start to curl its PH issues. What concerns me is your light. You say ballast is rated for 400w yet your running a 150w. I dont think thats a great ideal! I have not heard what the effects are but at the least it will probably shorten life of ballast and bulb. You have to match bulb with ballast.


Well-Known Member
Since you have sliding doors, you could get a piece of that thick styrofoam insulation, open to how ever big you want, cut it to fit and then cut a hole so you can run a duct out. Don't know how stealthy you need it to look, but that should work for the heat problem.


I was told that the ballets will support up to 400 but u can use whatever. Which my fear was it would be to hot with a 400 so I went with the 150 but they are a decent size now and I can't really control the heat. I guess I gotta try to figure something with the vent outu know


Well-Known Member
Your plant is experiencing some heat stress. when the edges of the plant folds up like that its from the heat. Here in cali my roses do it when they need water in the summer.