Curious gardener wanting to learn more

Hi everyone!

I am a multiple sclerosis patient living in Sacramento, California. I recently was introduced by a friend to the vast amount of treatments medical marijuana provides. I decided to start growing medical marijuana so that I have better control over what I consume. I am a long time vegetable gardener so the transition to medical marijuana has been smoother than I imagined it would be, but I still have a lot to learn and this seems like a good place to further my education as I am very impressed by the wealth of knowledge of members on this forum.

Thank you for having me!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

I am a multiple sclerosis patient living in Sacramento, California. I recently was introduced by a friend to the vast amount of treatments medical marijuana provides. I decided to start growing medical marijuana so that I have better control over what I consume. I am a long time vegetable gardener so the transition to medical marijuana has been smoother than I imagined it would be, but I still have a lot to learn and this seems like a good place to further my education as I am very impressed by the wealth of knowledge of members on this forum.

Thank you for having me!
Welcome :-) defiantly a good resource for information on here, and if your a bit of a green thumb it will be a very simple transition, if you growing outdoors marijuana is probably closest to growing tomatoes, prone to a lot of the same insect and fungal attacks, treat her the same as you would your tomatoes, high nitrogen feeds in vegetative stage then you want some fertilizer higher phosphorus to help with your flower/bud production in the flowering stage :-) I think you will do just fine being a greenthumb already, I wish you all the best of luck with your grows!!
Thank you for the information @cann.i.bliss. I actually love growing tomatoes so your comparisons are very helpful!

@burgertime2010 I am on my second grow indoors, outdoor is banned in Sacramento. With my first grow I ran into issues like nutrient burn and it just didn't go so well. But I know I jumped in without fully doing my research on the correct products and setup. I've switched from potting soil to Pro-mix HP which I use with my tomatoes. I'm also more informed about lighting and the plant's life cycle in general.


Well-Known Member
You seem well on your way, there are strains that are more therapeudic for you. I am just starting my research as I have seizures. Check out high CBd strains...


Well-Known Member
u r better educated being a veg gardener than most new growers. if u treat cannabis like a magnesium hungry tomato you'll do fine. indoors its better to start with a nice rich mix with a few minerals added and thats all u need for the 8 week duration for most strains. just add water. if ur into sativas then u may have to add a little miracle grow after about 6-8 weeks bc they flower longer, typically 10-15 weeks so the mix gets a little barren after a while. that's it. it really is easy as cake.good luck. hit me up with any questions...i mod the garden forum here.


Active Member
Welcome, and I truly am hoping you can find some kind of alleviation from the symptoms you deal with. I also hope the grow goes smooth and as easy as possible for you:) If there are any questions you can always ask, and someone will always answer within time:)


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :smile: Vegetable gardeners with a Green Thumb and that are willing to do some research have a huge advantage over others that are just starting out. I think you will do really well and there is loads of information right here on RIU. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask us. Good Luck !! (: