

Active Member
I have an outside grow and i was wondering if there was any fruits or anything that you could cut up and lay around it and it will pull nutrients from it. I know bananas have potassium would the plant feed on that if i choped things up and stuck them in the dirt near the plant or around it?


Well-Known Member
Your nannas have to be brocen down by microbes and only after full decay and usually death of these microbes are your plants given this fertilizer. It's possible but know that it is a month or two long process at least. May also promote fungal, bacterial and insect growth that you don't necessarily want to occur.

I have an outside grow and i was wondering if there was any fruits or anything that you could cut up and lay around it and it will pull nutrients from it. I know bananas have potassium would the plant feed on that if i choped things up and stuck them in the dirt near the plant or around it?


Active Member
Dont do this! If you put pieces of bananas and other fruit into your soil its just going to rot. The rotting of the fruit could release a deadly concoction of bacteria and stuff.

Now what you could do is get a cup of water and put some blended banana into the water to dilute it. Pour the water/banana puree in the dirt and some is going to settle. But this can still cause rot of the fruit.

So what you do is one day after you pour the water/banana puree into the dirt, the next day make sure your pour a lot of water to push the puree down the dirt and to flush it a little.

Just smell the top of your dirt after this and if it doesn't smell bad your in the good. If it smells bad after awhile flush your soil with water or fun to experiment.