Cure Test Run?


Active Member
So, this is my first time growing anything let alone cannabis. I really winged this out if the gate but really think I did something right. Only thing I would have changed was not starting so late (outdoors, mid June). Anyways, I've read tons now but am just freaked out at making it this far and possibly screwing up the harvest/curing process. More so the cure as harvesting seems like it's just going to be a pain rather then a science. I'm really after some nice buds and don't mind a super long wait.

My question is. Can I take a bud (way early), trim it, closet dry it for a few days and then start my mason jar curing process? I don't expect to get high from it, but mainly want to see if I can get a hard, smelling great bud without losing my entire crop. Or does my plant need to mature way more to get a good idea?

Also, at what point does the chlophil smell start going away? Is that after it starts curing in the jar or should it be gone during the closet dry period?

Lastly, can someone point me in the direction of a cheap magnifier that is perfect for checking my trichs color?

Thanks guys and gals. You rock! :)


Well-Known Member
How early are you expecting to take this sample ?

i got my x30 manifying glass off ebay cost me 2 pound with 1 pound postage i live in the uk so :). i had to take some of my bud off early due to rot ! but not the entired bud had rot on it, so i dryed the rest, took 3 days to dry it in my cubbord, i then started the curing process, i was worried it was smelling like compsot alot thought it was the rot but i relised it wasn,t and it was actually part of the cure process, the bud was in my jar for about 3 days and was fully dry due to it being a small ammount and didnt sweat much.

The bud finally started smelling nice after about a week it was getting its smell back btu by then i had smoked it all ! infact it got me high ! pretty diffrent high then i expected seeing as it was resonabolly strong saying it was harvested 2 weeks early ! the trichs were still clear with a few cloudy ones i didnt expect it to do anything at all but it got me high so all was good :)


Active Member
I'm like 2 weeks into flowering but I can take one early whenever someone recommends. I just wasn't sure if there is a too early time where it can't dry/cure correctly no matter how I do it. I don't care if it gets me high, I just want to know if it will cure properly. Hopefully I'm explaining this right :)


Well-Known Member
I'm like 2 weeks into flowering but I can take one early whenever someone recommends. I just wasn't sure if there is a too early time where it can't dry/cure correctly no matter how I do it. I don't care if it gets me high, I just want to know if it will cure properly. Hopefully I'm explaining this right :)
How can you even think about curing something that's not there? You're 2 weeks into bloom. Wait another month and then see where you're at.



Active Member
Best thing to do is wait. The drying curing process is easy and you really don't need to stress about it. I just got through my first drying and curing and it is way easy. Just wait for the plant to be done, Dry for at least 3 days, put into mason jars, open them every 12 hours or so and let the moisture evaporate. When they get to the dryness you like keep the jar closed for about a month or longer. So easy. Now my bud smells like candy, tastes fruity, and is not over dry. Hope this helps. Keep growing.:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
I kinda agree with simon in a way. You don't have to wait a MONTH bt at least wait another 2 weeks. I'm saying this because you will have your calyxs developed a lot more, giving you the bud MASS that you are looking for so that you may PROPERLY try your cure with results that will be closer to a big bud at the end of harvest. Remember, the smaller the nug, the less moisture, the less moisture the less you can draw out of the sweating point of curing. I just think you'll get a better feel for it if you wait just a little longer. Nothing would be worse than you going through this test cure and it turns out to be completely different than when messing with your big buds... But in the end, i think that you have a good idea! Let me know how it goes when you get to it!


Active Member
I kinda agree with simon in a way. You don't have to wait a MONTH bt at least wait another 2 weeks. I'm saying this because you will have your calyxs developed a lot more, giving you the bud MASS that you are looking for so that you may PROPERLY try your cure with results that will be closer to a big bud at the end of harvest. Remember, the smaller the nug, the less moisture, the less moisture the less you can draw out of the sweating point of curing. I just think you'll get a better feel for it if you wait just a little longer. Nothing would be worse than you going through this test cure and it turns out to be completely different than when messing with your big buds... But in the end, i think that you have a good idea! Let me know how it goes when you get to it!
Oh this is exactly what I'm looking for. I'll be back in 2-3 weeks and I'll give it a go.


Well-Known Member
I've had branches break and had to choose. Either trash it or dry it. It was sour d a month before I harvested and after a dry/cure it turned out pretty darn good.


Well-Known Member
Oh this is exactly what I'm looking for. I'll be back in 2-3 weeks and I'll give it a go.
Glad i could give you some good insight brotha! So how's it goin? I'm guessing you are around the time in which you were gonna do your test run. Let me know how it's goin!


Active Member
I cut a branch 2 days ago and it's drying. I really think a few of my plants may be done so I'm currently making a thread with high res pictures. I'll link it when I'm done.