Cure for cancer!?


Active Member
So I was reading my high time January edition I just got and there is a article about how a man in canada named Rick Simpson has been making hemp oil(thc oil, honey oil) w.e you want to call to treat cancer as oppssed to chemotherapy or radition treatment. Along with many other things it's very jaw dropping to say the least. Aparrently medical studies have been done in Spain since 1999 as to the validity of this. Studies show that the hemp/cannibus plant a it properties make brain tumors in rat/mice eat themselves in layman terms. I really would like to do more research into this myself as I am a biology major in school. Idk you just have to watch this or read up about for youself to see what I'm talkig about. There's a 7 vidoe series of this on Look up "cannibus cure for cancer". Seriously guys do it. I'll be posting this in the globel new section too.