Cure for a broken heart?


New Member
if your man enough you will get over it...there are so many women in the world ..."women are always like busses theres always another one commin by"


Well-Known Member
We have all been there. sorry to hear it.

What always works for me is to decide how long I am going to be upset. Give yourself a time limit, you dont want to feel this way forever.

Then watch a movie or read a book to get your mind off it.

Call a few buds go have a night out. Find someone new.

Good luck to ya.


Active Member
time is a major one yet is least bearable just waiting for it to be over. find a new girl and it helps
or kill some fools with your gravity gun


New Member
bump uglies for a bit, then find another bird to settle back down with

im sorry for the trouble happenin gordon, just got this one cliche that work always seems to pull a laugh....

if she broke up with you she never wanted to be happy in the first place.


Well-Known Member
just concentrate on all the annoying shit she did...

then, look for a new girl... but remember - no matter how hot she is, somebody, somewhere is tired of putting up with her bullshit ;-)

if she didnt smoke herb, there are better girls...


New Member
Just forget about her. They're are plenty more out there, somewhere out there is your true soul mate. Keep your eyes open, never disregard someone without having a conversation first. :bigjoint: