Cultivation Vs. Possession


I had 30 plants and 2 mommas and still got poss. 4oz-5lbs felony here in Tx. Technically they could charge you with anything they want, and let the judge decide....


Well-Known Member
I know in Minnesota they have skewed the definition of "sales" to include cultivation. Therefore, if you were caught growing you would be prosecuted as a dealer.


Well-Known Member
I got busted in So Cal about forty years ago for cultivation of about sixty plants. Got it dropped to a misdomeaner posession got a small fine (don't even remember how much)
and time served (did five days in OC's finest. Lawyer up my friend. It's money welll spent. Beg borow or steal it, call in all bets, tell the dick you hire you will make payments, whatever but lawyer up. Forty years ago the hung "urban farmers". I got off with five days. Thats why God made money my friend. Spend it and spend it now.!!!!!! The sooner the better. get to work and find an attorney. I hate those guys the most, right after cops. and man I fucking hate those donut eatin pieces of shit but sometimes you need a lawyer and it sounds like now is your time. Serious Dude, THINK IT OVER
I got busted in So Cal about forty years ago for cultivation of about sixty plants. Got it dropped to a misdomeaner posession got a small fine (don't even remember how much)
and time served (did five days in OC's finest. Lawyer up my friend. It's money welll spent. Beg borow or steal it, call in all bets, tell the dick you hire you will make payments, whatever but lawyer up. Forty years ago the hung "urban farmers". I got off with five days. Thats why God made money my friend. Spend it and spend it now.!!!!!! The sooner the better. get to work and find an attorney. I hate those guys the most, right after cops. and man I fucking hate those donut eatin pieces of shit but sometimes you need a lawyer and it sounds like now is your time. Serious Dude, THINK IT OVER
I am new to RIU but I just wanted to say that I like your enthusiasm and for what its worth I agree with your advice which is obviously solid. Just wanted to throw some props to you for being zealous about something that really should be every stoner's first concern IMO.


Well-Known Member
Well I thank yee there Ratso, but My enthusiasum would have better served the intended recipient had I posted it in the right thread. It was intended for the guy who got busted in texas. WTF, I was stoned and posted it after I had moved on LMAO. I was sorta hopin no one would notice. good advice though like ya said
Maybe it would just be possession personal use and all.Plus they have to prove you are cultivating it why would they bother if its one plant.