Cud this be underfeeding.???

Thanx for poppin in m8.
you sure.? ive had bigger plants in the same pots without them doin that.

im not saying it isnt tho, need to keep an open mind.

any1 else have any thoughts.???


Active Member
Hi guys n gals

got a question 4 you all.
as my forte is hydro n not soil i seem to have run into a lil prob with my godbuds.

it looks like underfeeding but as im not that sure i will wait to see what you all think b4 i do anything....

here's a few pics....
ok bro...well plants that small usually are just starting to be old are they? What kind of soil are they in?? Based on the pics, I don't see anything wrong IMHO. :)


Alright, Firstly, your plants aren't being underfed because they are so young that shouldn't need any nutes at this point. Secondly, I would transplant those suckers just to be safe, Because a lot of the time a new pot and fresh soil can go along way.


There all approx 2.5 wks since they sprouted. there in organic soil mix'd with perlite n vermiculite.
there being fed ionic soil grow @ 5ml per litre. there 1st feed was 9 days ago n was @ this strength.
they seemed to like it...

jst water inbetween feeds

i fed them again 2 days ago coz they looked limey/yellow @ same strength.

compaired to the rest of them these 2 are the worst affected by wotever.??? the others seem ok .???
Alright, Firstly, your plants aren't being underfed because they are so young that shouldn't need any nutes at this point. Secondly, I would transplant those suckers just to be safe, Because a lot of the time a new pot and fresh soil can go along way.

i know many ppl dnt feed at this age but i have , its something ive always done frm seed in both hydro and soil.
i will try n get more organic tomorrow n replant them to see if it makes any diff.


Active Member

There all approx 2.5 wks since they sprouted. there in organic soil mix'd with perlite n vermiculite.
there being fed ionic soil grow @ 5ml per litre. there 1st feed was 9 days ago n was @ this strength.
they seemed to like it...

jst water inbetween feeds

i fed them again 2 days ago coz they looked limey/yellow @ same strength.

compaired to the rest of them these 2 are the worst affected by wotever.??? the others seem ok .???
whats this "wotever" you speak of? Judging by the pics I dont see your plants being affected by anything....what are the symptoms of what you think is wrong here??
If those are 16oz cups they shouldn't be root bound for another two weeks. Can always transplant now but it's not necessary. Plants look fine. I don't use nutes at first but I use ff ocean forest soil which has enough nutes for the first few weeks of growth. Your soil seems to be nute free which is perfectly fine you just may need to supplement with nutes earlier than others, specificLly w nitro.
Alright, Firstly, your plants aren't being underfed because they are so young that shouldn't need any nutes at this point. Secondly, I would transplant those suckers just to be safe, Because a lot of the time a new pot and fresh soil can go along way.

Yeah i would go with this.
maybe its the light but im defo seein them really yellow compaired to some of my others.
wot al do is get better pics n post them , that way you might be able to see the diff if there nxt to healthier lookin plants..

wont be long....


Active Member
I doubt they are root bound; not in a seedling stage. The plant hasn't even developed it's root system and does not need to be fed until it establishes a good root system (usually after 1st or 2nd transplant) Don't feed it until it has about 3-4 nodes and starts developing grow shoots. Make sure there are holes at the bottom of your pot and that the medium drains water through freely. When the top of the soil starts to dry up stick your finger into the soil about an inch or so and check the moisture of the soil. Don't water until the soil is just barely moist. Good luck, looks like some good seed.

EDIT: Actually looking at the last photo's the yellowing of the leaves could be a nitrogen deficiency.. Nitrogen is about the only fert you would ever give a seedling. I would get some earthworm castings or bat guano. You can let it soak in water and make a tea or apply a little bit to the top of the soil medium and then water. Then look for improvements.
thanx wicked, as you can tell im no good usin dirt lol.
will try the castings coz its prob the only thing i can get around here without traveling miles n miles.

there on there 4th node now n dnt think it will be long b4 there branching out.
some seem healthier than others n after i flushed them they seem to have perked up a lil bit.
one or 2 still look quite sick but there's not that much i can do till tuesday when i get paid.

im now watering them every 2nd -3rd day when they feel quite dry.
dnt wana over do it coz i hear its not good to water ev,day.

will let you know how they get on, n thanx...


Active Member
Yeah just don't over feed them, and don't over water them and you should be fine. It's a weed it wants to grow you just don't wanna smother it with nutes use a very little bit at a time and then gradually move up to using more. Let me know how the castings work out for ya.