Cubensis Mushrooms Grown in Coir and Worm Castings


Well-Known Member
The Coir is the fine particle type from the bricks found at a pet store. It is easier for the mycelium to colonize the smaller particles of this type of coir. A slurry of worm castings and water is added to the coir to hydrate it, I then mix it to make sure the castings are established throughout the medium. It is then pasteurized in the oven at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 minutes (make sure to add a little bit extra slurry because you will lose some to evaporation). Allow to cool in the oven without opening the oven for 24 hours in order to reduce the chance of contamination.

Introduce medium to sterilized growing container and mix spawn in with sterilized spoon. I use Star San to sterilize equipment and growing containers. Wrap the now filled growing containers in a garbage bag and place in dark closet for ten days to allow mycelium to establish itself. Introduce to light to start mushrooms, you may need to lower humidity to encourage pinning.

Cubensis mushrooms grown in this way seem to be particularly powerful.




Well-Known Member
How many times a day are you fanning? You may not be optimizing your air exchange. Also the humidity seems kind of high. For those reasons, I'm not a fan of the mono tubs. Just my opinion. Nice job, man.
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Well-Known Member
looks like if you would have cased with coir and had more FAE your pinset would be 10x what you got but still looks great!


Well-Known Member
I use castings because I do not have access to cow dung right now. I'm just letting other people know that they are just as strong as those grown using cow poo.
Cow manure can smell pretty bad when pasteurizing! I have a detached garage and 2 1/2 acres, otherwise it would be a problem.. I just thought that worm castings might have been better or something??


Well-Known Member
I tried worm castings and straw before and I didn't notice much difference other than being a pain in the ass. But who knows, maybe I didn't do it right.