Crossing Cannabis with not Cannabis

I was wondering, across the internet in various places it states that the cannabis plant is similar to stinging nettles, i guessed this already because of the 'buds' that form, and also the 'trichomes', i say this loosely because cannabis has trichomes full of THC(YAY) but nettle's form of trichomes are the razor sharp stinging hairs that are full of histamines, serotonin and formic acid (BOOO) On another forum someone said that it smelt similar when burnt to burning cannabis.(i haven't tried this myself)
Would anyone be able to tell me if nettles and cannabis could be made to reproduce together to form fertile seeds?


Active Member
Don't you think if weed could breed with other species it would have by now?
Or every plants for that matter.
Common Sense....No?


Well-Known Member
Don't you think if weed could breed with other species it would have by now?
Or every plants for that matter.
Common Sense....No?
not necessarily breeding with other plants, but maybe gene splicing. my friend is learning about that in college goin for a biology degree. u can take out gene X and put in gene Y from another plant, and see what it does. basically forcing it to "breed" without its consent. also with breeding, it would be a random mix of genes, so u cant decide what traits u get from a plant. its all natural, thats how nature made it. but if u do splicing u can get the exact ones u want.


Active Member
I think that if it was possible it would be done already, no great secret can go untold.


Active Member
i just found something similar to crossing marijuana with other plants, check out my post called "marijuana mad science (grafting marijuana to other plants)" check it out. it's a weird concept


Active Member
According to Mel Frank, cannabis is in the nettle family. Its only really close relative is humulus, the hops plant, which contains its own psychoactive. Grafting cannabis has been tried and does not work well.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Other: DO NOT TOUCH THIS PLANT. It is covered with coarse stinging hairs, up to 2 mm long. The plant contains an acid that can cause a severe, burning skin irritation. The family and genus names come from the Latin word uro, meaning "I burn".



Active Member
lmao. but who all would try it out?? lol
me! shit, i've smoked nettles. now those stinging kinds with syringes that inject the poison? i would like some seeds from that. we don't have them here and they're fun to play with.
While not realistic, it would be cool if you could cross it with Kudzu!!!!

Kudzu, Pueraria lobata (and possibly other species in the genus Pueraria; see taxonomy section below) is a plant in the genus Pueraria in the pea family Fabaceae, subfamily Faboideae. It is a climbing, coiling, and trailing vine native to southern Japan and southeast China. Its name comes from the Japanese name for the plant, Kuzu (クズ or 葛?).
Kudzu is sometimes called gé gēn[1] (Chinese: 葛根), and (due to its out-of-control growth in the Southeastern United States) has earned such pejorative nicknames as the "foot-a-night vine", "mile-a-minute vine"[1], and "the vine that ate the South" (of the United States).[2]


Well-Known Member
haha interesting thread i walk past nettles every day and i have to say they look a lot like my indica bushes :D but in nature pollen from all plants flies everywhere yet only corresponding females seem to get pollenated.

its like a human having sex witha chimpanzee, just because we're genetically similar doesent mean we can breed with the monkies


Well-Known Member
haha interesting thread i walk past nettles every day and i have to say they look a lot like my indica bushes :D but in nature pollen from all plants flies everywhere yet only corresponding females seem to get pollenated.

its like a human having sex witha chimpanzee, just because we're genetically similar doesent mean we can breed with the monkies
Are you sure?