Crontonics First Outdoor Grow w pics


Active Member
I wasn't planning on having a grow journal, therefore i did not document any important dates like when they started flowering, and when they were started. However i have 4 somewhat healthy plants with buds growing. I have not be feeding them but they are growing in soil from a compost i have had going for a few years which should be full of nutrients.

I have a couple questions as well,

First off Since i do not know when they started flowering i don't really know how much longer they will bud. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how much longer it could possibly be? just so i have a rough idea of when to harvest, this is low budget and i don't have the money to buy a magnifier.

Secondly all of my plants leaves have been either eaten away by bugs and insects or has turned yellow and eventually died off. The bottom 2 ft of the plant is just a stem with no leaves. If anyone could give me some tips on how to prevent this from happening further it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for looking ill have updates after the weekend. bongsmilie

Orange Shovel CAGrower

Well-Known Member
great genetics man but you need to give it more nitrogen. i had the same problem but once i started adding nitrogen to the nute regimen it solved the problem. it looks like almost all of your leaves are yellow? give it some nitrogen as fast as you can. as for how long, id guess about 4-5 weeks? i dont really know though...just a guess
i love the pink hairs!


Well-Known Member
wow man for now those buds really pusehd out and made a nice cola!! My plant started to yellow up too So i bought some blood meal and pulled some dirt away form the stem about a foot away the whole way around like a two foot cirle and sprinkled it on the outer border so thats where the new roots will get it. september is when the buds start to push out sideways in girth (ripen) so when you start to notice its not growing to much anymore then you can cut it down to harvest. if all the hairs are turing dark red almost brown then you waited long enough you dont want it to wither up and die before harvesting it! That'll SUck ass good luck and i agree with the dude bout four or five more weeks


Well-Known Member
Most people wait until the hairs, or trichomes, are 50%-75% red/brown. Apparently, the more that turn, the more of a body stoned high it is, whereas if you chop it when less turn, it is more of a cerebral buzz as they say. This is only from information I've read, I'm on my first grow right now so I plan to compare the effects of harvesting earlier vs. later.


Active Member
A buddy of mine gave me these plants for free. I believe the third one is a male but if someone could confirm that with me before i chop it that would be great. I was also wondering if it would be safe to transplant to a larger pot, or possibly put them in the ground. Ill update sometime this week with pictures of my other plants. Happy smokin.



Active Member
Do you guys think it would be safe to put these in the ground or into bigger pots even though they already have the preflowering white hairs? Or do you think it would stunt the plant for too long and not give it enough time to finish or worse possibly kill it.


Active Member
Some updates on the first set of plants. They seem to be getting fatter, i figure maybe another week or two unless any of you think i should leave it longer or shorter, please let me know. We have had quite a bit of rain and i had to pick off quite a few slugs, i found them early on though.

Please let me know how much longer you think!


Active Member
I would say october 10th give or take a few days... Im close to you and I always harvest early october.. watch for frost! we need to get all we can out of the growing season up here.


Well-Known Member
True that Urbangrower. Where abouts are you located? And crontonic, where you at? I'm just under an hour away from Toronto. it's starting to get a little chilly around here. Rained like a sonofabitch today too


Active Member
True that Urbangrower. Where abouts are you located? And crontonic, where you at? I'm just under an hour away from Toronto. it's starting to get a little chilly around here. Rained like a sonofabitch today too
Im more like an hour and a half away from Toronto right by Niagara Falls. Its been raining tons latley and were not getting much sun, i hope the frost dont come too soon!


Active Member
The weather this week has been terrible its rained for 3 days straight hard and tomorrow is going to be rain as well. Im not worried though because all next week is supposed to be nice but we all know how that goes.

I checked on the plants today and shook some water off of them. They are all doing very well. The buds on the older plants are getting nice and fat and look delicious, i think i will harvest in the next few weeks. The smaller clones are going to need as much time as they can get because they were started pretty late and still got some growing to do, i hope. Ill snap some pictures tommorow if it stops raining for an hour, stupid me forgot the camera today.

Everyone have a good saturday night im going to get drunk sippin 151, and high smoking the good ole northern lights.
:bigjoint: Peace


Well-Known Member
the first one with the pink hairs has a few more weeks on it, but the second one thats all frosty as hell looks like its ready to get the chop.


Well-Known Member
i have 3 females that have those purple hairs, just from some mids bagseed... They look pretty awesome. I'd say just go as long as you can.