Crohn's Disease

Hello All! this is my first post and i was just wondering How Many of you have Crohn's Disease and are using MMJ? I'm 22 and ive been using since i was diagnosed at 16. Also i would like to know which strains in your opinon helps you with your crohns

Chase the Bass

Active Member
I don't have it but my sister does. The only problem is that Texas doesn't have medical marijuana. One of my good friends has some bad ulcers and could progress into Crohns.


Active Member
Hey Ace,

I'm 48, live in Rhode Island and have had Crohn's for five years. I just recently had my MMP card issued. I have smoked recreationally since my early teens. When my son was born I quit for two years, but within two weeks the symptoms of Crohn's began to show. Since then I've had three surgeries and returned to smoking. I now am learning to grow for myself but only with bagseeds to start. I want to purchase medical strain seeds, but its hard to choose which is right for me and what source is the most reliable.
man i've already had 2 surgeries and dont want anymore. Your so lucky to have a MMP card and be able to get it when you need it. That's what i'm going to have to do im afraid start with a bagseed and go from there.


Well-Known Member
imo indica is the best for stomach and pain related issues.
i use gran daddy purple.
i spent 2 weaks in the hospital. my doctor and the hospital let me use my gdp in the lobby.
you gotta love that about cali.


imo indica is the best for stomach and pain related issues.
i use gran daddy purple.
i spent 2 weaks in the hospital. my doctor and the hospital let me use my gdp in the lobby.
you gotta love that about cali.
what exactly is crohns disease? i know its not a medical forum but ironically enough ive been having severe stomach pains as of late and according to webMD my symptoms fall under that category (kinda shitty). but anyways enough with the rambling and back to the question, what is the disease? and what are your guys symptoms?
to answer your question jeffe Crohns is an inflammation of the large or small intestine in simple terms.Certain things can trigger it ie: stress, straining or for me certain foods really sets mine off. Mine Pops its ugly face out by: weigh loss, severe intestinal pain Fatigue and diarrhea. i suggest you go to your doctor and find out ASAP!
i am 17 and i have had crohns sincee 4th grade. i have been smoking pretty much everyday for a little over a year and i dont even take my drequired meds and i am fine... do you think i can get a card


Well-Known Member
I've had Crohn's for 7 years.. I have a card and prescription (though no drug stores here sell it lol) and have been using MMJ for about 2-3 years now... I find Kush varieties and LA Confidential were the best all around for me when I was bed ridden/hospitalized but now that I'm getting back on track and out of pain I'm just using it to keep my weight up so anything is good as long as it give me the munchies