Critical Jack Auto Burnt Tips And Curling Leaves


Active Member
I’m on day 47 of my critical Jack Herer auto grow and I noticed my leaf tips burning and curling a little bit. I’ve been using roots organics bloom nutes every other watering at 1/8th strength. Water, feed, water, feed. Leaves have been yellowing from the bottom up. I’m using roots organics original soil as well. Is this too many nutes? What’s going on? Should I keep doing what I’m doing? It says it’s a 65-70 day strain. Here are some pics...



Well-Known Member
I had simlar symptoms with a Tangerine Dream, in aeroponics, and Epsom salts seemed to help, but the plant still faded away. Auto don't seem to last but a short time. My TD was a 7-9 week but it lasted 19 weeks germ to cut.


Active Member
I had simlar symptoms with a Tangerine Dream, in aeroponics, and Epsom salts seemed to help, but the plant still faded away. Auto don't seem to last but a short time. My TD was a 7-9 week but it lasted 19 weeks germ to cut.
You grew it for 19 weeks? Lol that seems a bit much. I just tested the ph of my soil with a solid meter and it was over 7. How would I lower it?


Well-Known Member
Not a dirt farmer here, but some of the guys may be able to suggest something. Yeah, I grew it and it just wouldn't amber finally it frosted and got a few ambers before I just cut it. I did get five quart jars, maybe six, of loose packed for curing. Don't know the weights yet. I put only two buds in a quart jar today and they filled it, so my little 225 watt LED light did good.


Active Member
I’m on day 47 of my critical Jack Herer auto grow and I noticed my leaf tips burning and curling a little bit. I’ve been using roots organics bloom nutes every other watering at 1/8th strength. Water, feed, water, feed. Leaves have been yellowing from the bottom up. I’m using roots organics original soil as well. Is this too many nutes? What’s going on? Should I keep doing what I’m doing? It says it’s a 65-70 day strain. Here are some pics...
Looks like a slight nute burn - Autos tend to be very sensitive to additional nutes especially if you are already in a hot soil.

I would water with no nutes for the next 2/3 times and see if it gets worse.

Which light and how far is it from the canopy?

Leaves yellowing for the bottom up is quite normal but towards 2/3 weeks before harvest .
I currently have a royal haze auto on day 74 and i have already lost 6/7 big fan leaves (with more of them yellowing now)...will post a picture later if that can help you compare.

But more importantly, what websites say about number of days is most of time off the chart - From my experience, and i mainly grow autos, harvest happens between Day 75 - 90 from first exposure to light.


Active Member
Looks like a slight nute burn - Autos tend to be very sensitive to additional nutes especially if you are already in a hot soil.

I would water with no nutes for the next 2/3 times and see if it gets worse.

Which light and how far is it from the canopy?

Leaves yellowing for the bottom up is quite normal but towards 2/3 weeks before harvest .
I currently have a royal haze auto on day 74 and i have already lost 6/7 big fan leaves (with more of them yellowing now)...will post a picture later if that can help you compare.

But more importantly, what websites say about number of days is most of time off the chart - From my experience, and i mainly grow autos, harvest happens between Day 75 - 90 from first exposure to light.
I’m using a 300watt led for each plant about 14” above it but before I gave the nutes they fine. I fed the nutes twice after and they started to burn. Tips on the bottoms are slightly burnt as well. I’m guessing just use regular ph water for now and just ride it out