Criminals gone wild...what is real, what is fake?!


Well-Known Member
Permit notwithstanding if you pull and shoot one of these morons even with an unlicensed firearm do it....I see no reason your rook can move diagonally while mine must abide by traditional rules.


All these guys are pieces of shits but that white guy really got under my skin so did the fat fuck with the lisp..after further review this shits fake as can be!
Hi what proof do ypu have? Because I looked everywhere for proof...everywhere of either real or fake. THE CLOSEST I found was the blqck guy with no teeth a d lisp was all of a sudden in a bowtie wearing thick glasses (do black people really think the thicker there glasses are the smarter they are?) Saying thay he is a "college student and id never do this for real I was paid"

But then theres the video I posted with the guy saying he got robbed which imo is way more credible. Hes mad cause the police wont do shit. Thw other guy threw on glasses and borrowed a suit a d dont want to go to jail. So ya
Permit notwithstanding if you pull and shoot one of these morons even with an unlicensed firearm do it....I see no reason your rook can move diagonally while mine must abide by traditional rules.


-bump- any news on that proof? Im not tryna put you on front street i just need to know lol. I think the mix thoery is prbly close. Like ahen the white guy broke in and found a benz wit the keys in it and 20grand chillen under a bed???? Idc how rich you are...almost no body except a drug deaper would be that careless.


New Member
Ok, i'm sure some of you have heard of these DVDs 1 and 2. If not..heres one for free...

It basically is set in NYC (home for me) and depicts people robbing, murdering, selling drugs..pretty much a quiete sunday in brooklyn lol..Of course everyone wants to it real?

The producer claims YES. And to support him is people like this man,

This man was robbed on camera for his grocerys at gun point. I have a good ear for bullshit..I believe he was robbed and I feel bad. He seems like a honest hard working man just trying to put food on the table. Now here's some people who wasn't as lucky as him...supposidly..

This is a alleged murder on the second one.

Now..let's face it...a man recording peoples final scared moments on earth and making money off it while in no way helping or reporting these acts is jsut as bad as the murderer in my book. I may sound like a "snitch" right now but frankly...fuck that. Murdering people is just wrong. I'm sorry. I'm aware we live in a society where everyone is a G and has "choppers on deck" but what your doing is taking the most precious gift of all, and ruining his families lives...anyway...enough hippy talk from me.

So, anyone got a STRAIGHT up answer on this? All I see is forums like this. Anyone got evidence? What you think? Opinion? Thoughts? Like turtles? lol...

My opinion is it's a mix of real and fake. The reason I say so is because in one of the videos the gun sounded liek a blank. i've fired guns numerous times (at ranges) and I know that sound in a second. Atleast I hope so...but he claims it's all real

And that's the second point. If it is fake...should he be held accountable for lieing? Frankly...i say no...I'd be THRILLEd to know people didn't actually get murdered. The'm convinced is real..but the murders the juries out. I say he shouldnt be in trouble for NOT recording people dieing. What would that say about our society?

anyway! let's hear some thoughts! :?:
Glasgow, Scotland is my current home. I’m 41 so internet, blogging, Social media for me consists of FB. I don’t even know if I’m doing this paragraph in the proper spot. I am however stoned and lucky enough to be a living Rave Hedonist. Ex addict, 13 - 27 ex social care and family guy.
I’ve lived up and down UK , Holland, Germany . Flats , homes , hostels and the streets. Now I’ve just watched the second of these documentaries with news report cuts throughout.
Firstly the white news and the repetition of the same questions was tedious. Any real journalist or reporter asking for swears on bibles is pre programmed to be full of shit. I have a grasp on American Law, their News and tv programmes are the same here. Biased establishment shit. From what I’ve asked friends not to send me, murder scenes, security cam death scenes etc I have no trouble believing this to be true.

I see the posts were last from 2014. Is there any answer as to the films. Everybody wants their 15 years of fame and rising but gladlyseem willing to do almost ANYTHING for as little as 1 minute. Is the guy a New York dealer. Netflix done a series on American City’s drug pandemic. Fucking Wild West on Marvel Steroids. Scotland right now is the largest consumer of coke in Europe. I’ve lost friends recently. Killer pills have cost the lives of unbelievable numbers for years. FUCKING years. Killer ecstasy, Valium, Xanax fakes. Nothing even remotely close to the drugs. Poison. Fentynil didn’t quite make it up North thank fuck. Riots a couple of miles up the road. Not a patch on USA with those military weapons in the mix. . Every reporter acting as though their surprised. Deluded clones.

I think if this is real the guy deserves credit. Louis Theroux is the one name I an remember lol there are a large number of uk celebrities done documentaries in UK and around the world, news reporters in war zone shootings nowadays. army blowing up desert folk with Bazukas. Should the reporter not have told them to think about their actions. Was it fair that when you hear soldiers know they are out of range, watch this shit blow up. “Stop chaps I have a moral disagreement with you guys. Can we just retreat and have a cuppa”.

A camera crew were taken hostage and their mutalated bodies were recovered by our brave boys. Capitalism at a planet destroying level. Real, Fake. We’re fucking stoked to burn quick when the straw breaks. Or am I just imagining it?


Well-Known Member
Glasgow, Scotland is my current home. I’m 41 so internet, blogging, Social media for me consists of FB. I don’t even know if I’m doing this paragraph in the proper spot. I am however stoned and lucky enough to be a living Rave Hedonist. Ex addict, 13 - 27 ex social care and family guy.
I’ve lived up and down UK , Holland, Germany . Flats , homes , hostels and the streets. Now I’ve just watched the second of these documentaries with news report cuts throughout.
Firstly the white news and the repetition of the same questions was tedious. Any real journalist or reporter asking for swears on bibles is pre programmed to be full of shit. I have a grasp on American Law, their News and tv programmes are the same here. Biased establishment shit. From what I’ve asked friends not to send me, murder scenes, security cam death scenes etc I have no trouble believing this to be true.

I see the posts were last from 2014. Is there any answer as to the films. Everybody wants their 15 years of fame and rising but gladlyseem willing to do almost ANYTHING for as little as 1 minute. Is the guy a New York dealer. Netflix done a series on American City’s drug pandemic. Fucking Wild West on Marvel Steroids. Scotland right now is the largest consumer of coke in Europe. I’ve lost friends recently. Killer pills have cost the lives of unbelievable numbers for years. FUCKING years. Killer ecstasy, Valium, Xanax fakes. Nothing even remotely close to the drugs. Poison. Fentynil didn’t quite make it up North thank fuck. Riots a couple of miles up the road. Not a patch on USA with those military weapons in the mix. . Every reporter acting as though their surprised. Deluded clones.

I think if this is real the guy deserves credit. Louis Theroux is the one name I an remember lol there are a large number of uk celebrities done documentaries in UK and around the world, news reporters in war zone shootings nowadays. army blowing up desert folk with Bazukas. Should the reporter not have told them to think about their actions. Was it fair that when you hear soldiers know they are out of range, watch this shit blow up. “Stop chaps I have a moral disagreement with you guys. Can we just retreat and have a cuppa”.

A camera crew were taken hostage and their mutalated bodies were recovered by our brave boys. Capitalism at a planet destroying level. Real, Fake. We’re fucking stoked to burn quick when the straw breaks. Or am I just imagining it?
Hey bud, you will find a kindred spirit here: