Creme Caramel / Exodus Cheese (ghs) / L.S.D. / Pineapple express 600w ebb flow


Active Member
this is my first ebb and flow grow, I previously have pulled a few successful single plant DWC grows with 4+ per plant. I took 2 years off while getting situated in my area residence but now im back at it.

4x4 tent
40 gallon res
600w light with cooltube

all seeds took 1 day to soak and 1 day to pop, except the GHS seed which took 3 days to pop
they are currently in day 2 of 24/0 veg (mainly because the timer I got is a piece of shit so I need to get a different one that actually works for the lights

the table floods ever 3 hours

pictures to come once I get home.. and ill update with pictures everyweek, as to avoid pointless updates like "day 14 - my plants moved "


Active Member
day 3 from sprout:

all seeds are doing fine - the GHS looks like a retarded kid on the short school bus, he still has his helmet on,but so far they all have broken grown without a problem.. im flooding with untreated tap water untl the second node, then ill work with some ultra light nutes... i have some dynagrow GROW left over from previous grows, if ther isnt a expiration date then thats what ill be using.. i wish there was a way to post pictures besides creatinga photobucket... anyone have any ideas?