Creative minds ENTER!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay so heres the dilemma. Ive been growing for about 6 months now and am ready to begin building my ultimate system for flowering. It will be enclosed in a 4x4 tent with a 600 hps. I have tried all kinds of systems and i feel that aeroponic is best for me. However, for the past two months ive been struggling trying to figure out: How can I make a 4x4 tub for my tent? I intend to use one strong pump for all 48 plants in my SOG. I thought about making an aquarium of some sort but i dont think itll hold the water. Maybe i could make it out of wood but how would i protect it against the water? I really need some guidance. I thought about screwing plywood together and then gluing some kind of tarp onto it. PLEASE HELP!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay so heres the dilemma. Ive been growing for about 6 months now and am ready to begin building my ultimate system for flowering. It will be enclosed in a 4x4 tent with a 600 hps. I have tried all kinds of systems and i feel that aeroponic is best for me. However, for the past two months ive been struggling trying to figure out: How can I make a 4x4 tub for my tent? I intend to use one strong pump for all 48 plants in my SOG. I thought about making an aquarium of some sort but i dont think itll hold the water. Maybe i could make it out of wood but how would i protect it against the water? I really need some guidance. I thought about screwing plywood together and then gluing some kind of tarp onto it. PLEASE HELP!!!
for your res you could use a n old tolit tank then you could have it top off it self. with the ball float in the tank

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
agreed. just fab a frame out of wood and get a couple of layers of liner in it.

i assume if you did tthis method you'd have to make it real nice and smove, just in case all the nutes etc locked up in a fold of liner etc, i don't know, you said creative, i went passed that to the problems of the creation!


Well-Known Member
Make it 1ft high and it`ll all come out of a single 8x4 sheet.
Filled to 8" deep you`ll have about 71 gals which should be plenty for aero.
When you said creative minds wanted, i was thinking it was something a little more radical :wink:


Well-Known Member
Lol my bad if it got you guys goin. Eureka! atomizer thats exactly the thing i was lookin for. But do you just lay it down in there or do you glue it on or somethin. I only ask because then how do i do the sides of the tub? the corners need to be sealed so water does not touch the wood


Well-Known Member
Why not just get a large rubbermaid for the res below and then have 6 or so rows of 4" pvc in a v shaped patter all leaading down to the rubbermiad and have a pump and some 1/4" hosing with sprayer heads going to each site and let the water naturally fall back into the res? Have your bulb in the middle so you get somewhat of a vertical grow?

You could get away with having 1 15g rubbermaid in the middle and and have your rows reaching outwards in a V shape so the water can work it's way back to to res from gravity. Then you only need 1 pump inside the res and a manifold to run the 1/4" hosing to each site. This will give you good o2 levels from the waterfalls and you could even run a acreen a long the whole thing and do a sog if you're into that kinda thing.


Well-Known Member
Why not just run larger shorter res below then have 8 rows of 4" pvc above them with 8 sites in each. Insert a powerful pump into the res, or outside whatever you prefer and then create a manifold which will diestribute the water to each site. Drill some drains from the 4" back to the res for the nutes to have a waterfall effect going to the main res unit and let the cycle repeat itself. It might be crampt to put it all in a 4x4 space but seems doable. I built something similar for moms but not nearly the density you're going for.


Well-Known Member
I`d go for 3/4" (18mm) plywood. From an 8`x4`sheet cut a 1200mm x 1200mm piece for the base. 2 pieces: 1200mm x 300mm and 2 pieces: 1160mm x 300mm for the sides. Sit the sides on top of the 4x4 base board (don`t screw them into the sides as its weaker). Put a screw in every 3" or so and use a waterproof pva glue. Caulk all the joints with more glue once its assembled. Fit some pond underlay and then put the pond liner in.
Chuck it out of an upstairs window to check its strong enough j/k :wink:


Well-Known Member
interesting ideas guys. hey disposition i had that idea early but i figured cleaning all of that would be a headache every week. Im trying to do something like atomizer said. But the pond liner on the side plywood pieces how would i make sure it stays up should i glue it onto the plywood? Or should i just tuck it in between all the wooden joints before screwing the whole thing together?


Well-Known Member
just fold it over the top of the frame and fix it to the outside with timber strips and short nails/screws. The weight of the water will hold the liner in place, dont trap it between the plywood.


Well-Known Member
or do the wooden frame, cover it in fiberglass resin
its really not hard. you buy a jar of the resin, and a small bottle of the {stuff}
mix the 2 and it is still runny, dries in a few hours.
when its dry its glass.


Well-Known Member
dave im not too familiar with the process any chance you could enlighten me? Sounds like a gud idea