Crazy Idea

Me Gusta

This is probably a really dumb idea but at the moment (I'm Blazed) it sounds like a legit idea that could have good results. What if i changed my lighting schedule to something like 24 on 24 off keeping it 50/50? some people put their plants in a dark period when switching to flowering to start flowering faster. Im kinda just working with that concept. has anyone ever experimented with changing light schedules from the norm? this seems dumber and dumber every second lol... Thinking this much while high was a bad choice


Well-Known Member
Im going to have to say that it wont work only becasue the plants need a photo period to develop food for bud production. But give it a try and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
What if i changed my lighting schedule to something like 24 on 24 off keeping it 50/50?
My understanding of how flowering is started and maintained is that the flowering hormone is produced at night and an anti flowering hormone is produced during the day when the flowering hormone is not destroyed entirely as happens with a 50/50 light shedule flowering can begin.
So the answer is yes it would work, now the question is will that double the flowering time ?

Me Gusta

haha completely sober now and it sounds like it would be very nonbenifitial. would like too see what happens though so i might just try it out with some bagseed with like 1 CFL lol. if i do an experiment ill post it on RIU.


Active Member
haha completely sober now and it sounds like it would be very nonbenifitial. would like too see what happens though so i might just try it out with some bagseed with like 1 CFL lol. if i do an experiment ill post it on RIU.
Carl Sagan wrote several articles on and about pot under the name Mr. X. He talked about the truths revealed while high being so profound that the sober mind could not reconcile them. Do not dismiss your idea while toking up as silly, its intriguing and worthy of experiment. Major evolutions in growing come from ideas just like this one. Run with it on some bagseed like you said, +rep for sharing bud.

Me Gusta

I have decided that im gonna do an experiment called "fucking with my lighting schedule" or something like that. ill try some different schedules and see what has the best results. It will probably be 12/12 that comes out on top but it would be really cool to find out something that could help increase yeild or decrease flowering time. plus it should be fun to do too! I dont think ill start this for a while, as i just don't have the time, but when i do Ill post it on RIU.
If anyone has tried this and can confirm this is bad idea let me know, I really dont want to waste time and money on something that has already been proven to not work haha
Just so everyone knows, Im not saying i think it will increase yeild and decrease flower time like i did when i was blazed, but it seems worth experimenting on it

Me Gusta

Carl Sagan wrote several articles on and about pot under the name Mr. X. He talked about the truths revealed while high being so profound that the sober mind could not reconcile them. Do not dismiss your idea while toking up as silly, its intriguing and worthy of experiment. Major evolutions in growing come from ideas just like this one. Run with it on some bagseed like you said, +rep for sharing bud.
Thanks man! You have given me a lot of inspiration to go through with this. +rep for that! I love getting that high that makes you think, not sit in a couch for 2 hours feeling like your wasting time. Thats why growing is great, you get to choose the high. Thanks again for the inspiration and happy growing


Well-Known Member
ive heard of a couple people extending their days so that the plant gets its 12 hour dark period it needs to flower properly, and still have more than a 12 hour day. Extending the night too could have its benefits as well. I know there are a few posts in here about it, idk where at for sure tho. But it could work, im pretty high right now tho too...