Cracked the stock, how do I fix it?


one of my plants stock got cracked, a branch fell out of a tree and landed on it. the crack aint to bad, it stands on its own, but I put a little bit of duct tape around the damaged area. Is this ok to do? let me know what I should do so I can fix it before its to late


bud bootlegger
yah, it's cool to do as you did.. just make sure it's not on too tight that it will restrict the flow of fluid through it is all... other than that, you should be golden..


its seems perfectly healthy, I think it cracked today thats why tho. Ill check up on it in a few days


Well-Known Member
Use electrical tape and wrap it well... wait a few weeks and then remove the tape, you will see that it fixed its self.


Active Member
i just delt with the same cracking problem. not sure how it happend but if you cut a straw into smaller pieces then cut a couple of those longways in half and bam your plant has a plastic caste:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yer duct tape probably aint the best of things to stick to a plant but hey if it works its all good.

Plants heal very well from breaks and snaps, as long as the water and transport system aint severed then it will heal no probs. I always worried when i snapped a branch off completly but they always stick back on if your quick and support it whilst it heals.

Plants like a bit of abuse, not always a bad thing the odd snap or break, takes a lot more than that to stop a weed plant growing, bolt of lightning or act of god but other than that they are a hardy species. Peace