Could uses some help with my first grow... I am not sure what I am doing wrong.


New Member
Could uses some help with my first grow... I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

Went out about 3 months ago and got a nice 3 foot grow box to start a small home grow. Using a cash crop 3.0 I figured it was a nice beginners hydro set up. Set the thing up and got some Girl Scout cookies seeds and went to work. I am using the Moon Dust all in one plant food that came with the set up. Mixing it in distilled water. I try to keep the ph level between 5.2 and 5.8 and I try to keep the temp at around 75 in side the box. Light wise i am using the 3 6500k CFL lights that came with the kit and leaving them on for 17 hours a day. All was going well I till about 3 weeks ago. The leave on the seedling started turning . I started doing some reach to see if I could fix the problem and here is what I did.

1. thought it might be heat burn so I moved the lights back up higher ( didn't help)

2. Thought it might be nuts burn so I cut the nuts to half of the recommended. ( no help)

3. Roots turned a little brown, so I added so hydrogen peroxide which did clear up the roots but no help for the leaves ...

4. I was changing out the water once a week but the last week I started changing it once every 2 - 3 days. ( still no change)

Any help would be great full... here is that they look like now....


here is some earlier pics....


Well-Known Member
your box is too small for 6 plants. get some real hydro ferts. use a ppm meter and change your rez every week. you only need a really small amount of ferts till they are a few weeks old. keep your cfl's 3-4 inches above the plants and make sure the water in your res is not hot. if you dont get those lights lower yourp lants are going to get too tall and fall over before the stem strengthens. do you have fresh air coming into your box? this system looks like you got robbed hope you didnt pay much for it.

why is the tupperware bin see through? your asking for algae. also the water level should not be touching the plants it should be a few inches below the cups the aeration will keep the roots wet till it grows into the water. your roots do not have to be completly submerged for them to grow. and how much water does this thing hold it looks really small. also you want to get blue or black tubing and you need to completely cover that tub so it doesnt get light in it and add some kind of media around your cups so light cant come in through the cups you need some hydroton or something.

also your leaves will not get better after being damaged you will have to watch new growth to see if its healthy. they will not grow untill they develop a decent root system.

your going to have to be patient and wait to see new growth these plants are going to looking ugly for a long time. i would probably start over with a better system.
You got some serious nute burn. Did you use full strength on the moon dust. Your plants are way too small for full nutes. I can only tell you to flush them and hope they are not gone. No matter what the directions on the nutes say you should use less than what they say. I got the same box and just said forget hydro too much work so i built a shelf in my box and and went back to pots and soil. Good luck.




Well-Known Member
Yeah bro you have nute burn just flush them with plain tap water. Also do you have an airstone?



Active Member
Yeah man Im not saying to kill your plants,but if I were you Id get me some soil and pots,its way more forgiving.Then once you have a few grows under your belt and you know whats what then you can go back to hydro.Ime its too unforgiving and just plain complicated for a newbie.
Good luck though brother:joint:


New Member
the fert call for 1/8 teaspoon for every gallon of water for seedlings. the rez holds about a gallon so i would make up a one gallon mix then mix that with one gallon of regular water then but that in the rez after i fix the ph. i will move the lights back down closer to the seedlings. the problem with waiting until new growth is that i am still getting new growth but after a day or two the new growth starts turning as well. Yes i do have a air stone in there. i thought that the one that came wight the kit might have been to small so i upgraded to a bigger on that you can see in the pic.
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if i can't get this batch to grow then i will surrender and go to soil.
That's what happened with mine and i had a ppm and ph meter just put in a adjustable shelf from lowes and learn all you can with something that's manageable for a newbe. Check out mine all these are White Widow Fem 4 1/2 weeks. I could never get this with that bullshit I bought but i'm smart enough to still grow me some weed.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
looks like nute burns also it can be help full a tea spoon of baking soda in a liter spray the plants. it will kill rust mold.. the plants are vonrable at this time... also air try to bring in fresh air your gona need to cover your cups and quick root cubes green algea most say doesnt hurt but it does!!! also dont want brown algea its the worst cover ever lil bit of light in and around the res!!! some thing thing to know if your using hard water cloramean is a compound of clorine x amonia it can not be bubled out or over nighted to release the clorine.. its in their it turns into something that wont leave the water its gota be filterd out?? sertain strains dont like it.. remember if your not ph ing the water it might nute lock certain things at certain levels of ph, try to drop the dosage and check ppm's they might come out of the foset at 600 ppms and thats already high for babies.. be around 200 it will bring them back just base nutes a lil cal mag not much do the math and silicus first add the silicus and let it disolve roomtemp in a seprate bucket and then add base if you do benies try voodoo juice its bomb good luck... ph water around 5.8 sorry man i cant spell and i dont like to spell check...


New Member
I can't tell from the pictures, but is the base of that box clear?

Your roots really need to be in the dark if they aren't.

Anyway, your plants look like they are nute burned. Flush with fresh water.


New Member
I agree with the folks above, MAJOR nute burn. Generally you want to let seedlings grow 2-4 sets of leaves before you start with any kind of nute. Always start with 1/4 strength, monitor, and ramp from there. Remember it's easier to correct under- nourished plants than it is to heal burned ones. Hope I helped! #Gainerz