could use some help

Hey guys, been researching this problem but so many of the symptons i read about are similar. so my nute solution was around 1,200 PPM for 2 days and it seemed to bring on some of teh symptoms below. but before that, some of the bottom leaves had holes and felt papery.

so, i have flushed the plant for 24 hours and I put it back on a 600 PPM solution and it doesn't seem to be improving. it could be even slightly worse. so, i am lost. I am not sure what to do next.

i use GH 3 part, and I was going light on the Micro and heavy on the bloom maybe too much, so my last mixing i corrected that problem as i thought it could be related to a N.

My temps are around 83, the plant is under a 600 w and has been in 12/12 for 14 days. the plant has still been growing a lot, and the top of the plant looks almost perfect, it's more of the middle and botton where the issues are. PLENTY of air flow, lots of bubbles in the DWC, res temps in mid 70s.

any insight would be much appreciated, i just don't have an eye to determine different symptoms yet. this is my first grow.

oh and i also was doing a foliage nute spray with the lights on, and A LOT of it all at the same time I had up'd the nutes. so maybe that had something to do with it as well?


Well-Known Member
ckeck for bugs, with a scope on the underside of the leaves. I do not think it is that

If you did a flush, the ph is normal 6.5-7, then it is probably catching up with nute deficiency from lockout. the bottom will die off first to use whats in the plant. But i bet ur ph is off and its not gettin nutes


Well-Known Member
ckeck for bugs, with a scope on the underside of the leaves. I do not think it is that

If you did a flush, the ph is normal 6.5-7, then it is probably catching up with nute deficiency from lockout. the bottom will die off first to use whats in the plant. But i bet ur ph is off and its not gettin nutes
He's using a DWC so his pH should be between 5.2 and 6.2 airing at trying to maintain around 5.7

I do agree to check your res pH and res ppm.

You can keep your plant happy by monitoring the levels in your res. However i always use GROW formula for a minimun of 2weeks after flipping to 12/12.

Looks to be phosphorour related with the crispy edges and papery texture you mention.

I would dump your res. Refill with your grow forumla and monitor the ppm and pH of your res and adjust it as necessary. Trying to find the sweet spot where ppm's stay the same. A pH drift from 5.7-6.2 is a good thing to have as your plants suck up different nutrients better at different pH ranges.



Well-Known Member
Once plants have recovered use your bloom formula again monitoring and maintaining levels.

thanks man! my PH is 5.8 - 6.0, it always stays right in that area. i have checked for bugs, i actually just took off a leaf and looked at it with a 5x magnifying glass, i didn't see anything. should i maybe get a stronger magnifying tool to look u think? i have been thinking it couild be bugs... but i just haven't found anything. so confused!!
He's using a DWC so his pH should be between 5.2 and 6.2 airing at trying to maintain around 5.7

I do agree to check your res pH and res ppm.

You can keep your plant happy by monitoring the levels in your res. However i always use GROW formula for a minimun of 2weeks after flipping to 12/12.

Looks to be phosphorour related with the crispy edges and papery texture you mention.

I would dump your res. Refill with your grow forumla and monitor the ppm and pH of your res and adjust it as necessary. Trying to find the sweet spot where ppm's stay the same. A pH drift from 5.7-6.2 is a good thing to have as your plants suck up different nutrients better at different pH ranges.

ok, cool. i will try this. so, should i ONLY do grow or still do the 3 part but go heavy on grow? i did cut the grow back quite a bit during the first week. thanks a lot man!!

right now res PH = 6.0 PPM = 720 which is close to what is was when i started.


Well-Known Member
I would drop your pH down a little around the 5.7-5.8 mark

Whatever ratio it says on your 3 part for VEG stage use that ratio.

If your ppms stay around 720ppm then you may have found your sweet spot. ALot of people try to over feed their plants at times and can cause problems.

Here is a pic of my biggest bud at the start of week6 flowering, I have tried to keep the levels in my res at the sweet spot and pH 5.7-6.2. By keeping the levels near the sweet spot you know the plant isnt over feeding or under feeding.



Active Member
5.7-6.2 is the sweet spot? Where did you hear this? Not saying you are wrong, just I have been taught differently.