Could use advice on Cleaning mold outa bubble bags


Well-Known Member
I screwed up. extracted using Ice bags and didn't dry them out well when finished as I got called away on an emergency. I returned and bags were in sink dry but moldy. What should I use as a cleanser? or are they shot?


Well-Known Member
Soak them in 99% isopropyl alcohol for a bit then rinse very well. Be careful with how long you you soak in the iso though cause I noticed it kind of shriveled one of my bags a bit like it started to have a negative affect on the mesh screen cause it soaked too long. Iso is some powerful solvent.

If the mold has been on there for a long time I would check out your mesh carefully to see if there are any brittle parts of it after you clean them well.

I wash them well between runs then hang dry in front of fans.


Well-Known Member
use tilex then rinse with warm water after you spray the shit out of them. tileX will kill any and all molds on contact just rinse very good..don't use them for dryice ectraction to many times or they will fall apart.