could u grow pot in beach sand?


Well-Known Member
i have a cottage that has alot of half sand half soil kinda mixture out of curosity could u grow a nice plant in sand? mabey even that color sand u use for vase art lol?


stays relevant.
If you use beach sand I would give it a very thorough flushing and bake it as well because lots of salt is on that sand and there may be bad things living in it.


Well-Known Member
I have grown lots of trees in 100% sand. You have to be careful with your watering and you will have to fert more. It takes some getting used to as it is very different than growng in dirt.

Be advised....I have never tried to grow weed in sand only pine trees for bonsai.


Well-Known Member
ok but what about that colorful sand you buy at the crafts store lol? grow a plant in a nice vace and put it on the dinner table as a nice decoration???

when i transplant im gonna mix sand into the mix and see what happened