Cops just came to the apartment due to a complaint against my bf

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Well-Known Member
Sounds like an only child who always had his way.......spoiled fucking brat who doesn't deserve a stoner chic....he's gonna continue to be a problem......


Active Member
Atleast your not growing. When i grew 6 yrs ago I had half of my bedroom filled with ~140 plants. (sog) and cops moved in upstairs. Believe me i was freaking out....

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
girllllll :( Leave NOW

i've come out of abuse, LEAVE NOW!
It started when he threw a coffee cup onto the ground.. it got worse after that. I know you must love him but just stop, take a deep breath, and put yourself in the #1 spot right now. You don't need that.

Good luck <3
i agree get out before something happens...something bad happens because things have already started going the wrong way

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
have u got a picture of this guy
i bet he spys on what websites u go on too

abusive guys are fu#ked in the head
02-26-2011 12:31 AM: oh believe me..he doesn't lack on the good oral.
just got done with that ;)
So a mere 4 hours later and then this? You either have a worthless boyfriend who you need to toss or you are compelled to post whatever it is that you think will get you the most attention and sympathy. Every post you make is either an obvious cry for attention or "waaaaah my boyfriend sucks." If it's the former, then I suggested you go post your nudes in the hottest chicks thread. If it's the latter, then save us all the trouble and get rid of him already!

You're not going to find someone who will love you and accept you for who you are unless you get your shit together. You have been a member of this forum for 2 weeks, exactly. Fourteen DAYS, people! If this is the only place you feel comfortable enough to seek advice and is your only outlet to vent your frustrations (and apparently you have a LOT of them) then yeah, you obviously have some issues. You will thank yourself down the road is you pursue counseling of some sort.

Sorry to rain on your pity party, but seriously, you need professional help.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine got the ultimatum from his gf a few weeks ago. The whole "me or the weed" deal. He moved out. LOL


Well-Known Member
pussy cops had to call the cops LOL............Hey instead of leaving him........start haveing friends over and party day and night till he moves out.
listen to the old dudes^they know! i'll bet you can find a bunch of dudes to shower with you!
good advice StonedPony. just make sure all your weed and bongs and such are not there cuz he'll probly call the cops! pretty good odds he might get a little violent though. on second thought, pinch yourself real hard, call the cops and tell them he grabbed you!


Well-Known Member
pretty good odds he might get a little violent though. on second thought, pinch yourself real hard, call the cops and tell them he grabbed you!

Man, women really have us by the balls with that old trick dont they.

Any scratch/red mark/bruise/cut- its game over, off to jail.


Well-Known Member
What kind of douche bitch's about taking a shower with his girl? Fuckin move out the next time he's at work...
I do! Hate being cold in the back while she hogs all the water! Plus it depends on if yer chick is hot enough to see in the light ... otherwise you mihgt hafta take that shower with the lights off. Plus maybe he already took a shower that day and didn't want to take another one!
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