cool cfl homemade relector


Well-Known Member
Nice setup, but... (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) I don't think that lumens are additive. IOW, you can't add the individual lumens per bulb and get a new "total" output. If you're running 6 bulbs at say 1180 lumens each, that doesn't mean that you're delivering a total of (6x1180) 7080 lumens to your plants. You're still just lighting your plants with 1180 lumens. Please please someone correct me if I'm wrong (but I think this is correct).
They do increase, just not double.My point being is if you have 26w 2700k 1750 lumen bulbs, 16 would not be 28,000 lumens.............but close:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Keep it simple. Cfls are opposite then hid bulbs. Cfls - try and keep as close as possible without damaging the leaves. Less heat = less light penetration. That's really how it adds up. Until a new power source is delivered that is heat free, that'll be the main issue. Cfls do get hot tho, try the 150 - 250watt bulbs ~_~


Active Member
Nice, I also made a DIY reflector similar with power strips on the under side (rather of put them on top but didn't want to buy the drill bit). I didn't think to use clip on reflectors for better slide lighting. I am going to steal that idea! nice job and thanks!