Cooking/Sitting Supersoil


Well-Known Member
On that note..I've prepped my site (dug very big holes) and I'm planning to amend the soil, starting with E.B. Stone Organics soil conditioner. I don't plan on planting my clones until May 11-12 (6 weeks) Is it safe to amend the soil this week or is 6 weeks too long to cook the soil?


Well-Known Member
I would add some dried molasses at the same time and water it all in. The product seems like a nice one, but it doesn't have any sugars for the micro colonies to eat.


Well-Known Member
Not an expert by any means, but I believe the cooking period is necessary to balance the PH of the mixture more than anything. Lime takes a little while to work properly. It also helps to mix the whole batch (or in your case the holes you've prepped) once or twice throughout the cooking process as well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks..Got it don't today. Six .. 3 foot wide X 3 foot deep wholes amended with 9 CF of goodness. I'll do some stirring as it cooks and am thinking of possibly adding some more wrom castings if I come across some bulk bags for a decent price. Thanks for the advice

Cpt. Plant it

Active Member
Not an expert by any means, but I believe the cooking period is necessary to balance the PH of the mixture more than anything. Lime takes a little while to work properly. It also helps to mix the whole batch (or in your case the holes you've prepped) once or twice throughout the cooking process as well.

You're both right the PH needs to balance, and the microbes have to break down the nutrients


Well-Known Member
So its not "cooking" then as i understand the word. Its more or less to allow the microbes to do their thing and mineralize the nutrients. And i can dig it with the PH thing.....however it seems to me if you mix in some really good organic compost, it will buffer everything, and the PH won't be too out of whack, thus eliminating the need for a long "cook" time.