Considering growing, need help with materials


Active Member
So a couple nights ago, while grinding up my weed and watching Scrubs, I stumbled across a seed and starting thinking what it would be like to grown my own little weed plant. So I started looking into it, and google isn't giving me the answers I want it to, so I decided to turn to my fellow pot smokers.

So I live in Colorado, it's almost winter, I'm going to grow indoors.

I know what I need as far as my room with the temperature and circulation and humidity yada yada yada, but have the small problem of having no idea what to buy. Do I use soil or rockwool? What kind of lights should I get? What about fertalization? Now I will ask you to keep in mind that I am a poor college student and I'm not looking to make a huge investment in this, it's just a for fun kind of thing.

So, I guess what I really want is for someone to tell me where to start. If there's another thread I can go to or a website or something, send me that. Any advise would be awesome. Someday I aspire to be like you helpful people.


Well-Known Member
One 5 gallon pot, 1 bag of cheap topsoil ( No Miracle Grow shit), 1 bag of cheap perlite ( Again no Miracle Grow brand). five 30 watt CFL's and a vanity or lamp to put them in,or Ideally a HID light ( HPS, MH) and 1 oscillating fan.

For nutrients you can just use a blooming fertilizer, veg will be taken care of by the nutes in the soil.


Active Member
ok, ive figured out a master plan for any poor grower, all you need is a tooth pick, 500 bags of sugar, and a bottle of coke. damn im good!

on a more serious note... its relatively easy to grow your own pot, a few of the right lights, some basic soil, some say not that MG crap but i dont think we have that in the uk, and water. read through this forum, read a few grow guides, a few journals, a few google searches. thats what i did it worked wonders.


Active Member
Ha, if only I could grow weed from things stolen from restraunts.

But! Thank you guys, I'm going to keep looking into threads and hopefully I won't fuck things up too bad and be turned off of growing forever.