"Connoisseur's Choice ~ Epic Multi Journal from the Seed Freaks"


Well-Known Member
@Smokey & @Mellokitty, whats the deal if you don't mind me asking, and why was smokey talking bout being voted off!? And who's two people?? I feel like I've slipped into the twilight zone somehow but I am very smashed atm.
When do we vote people out?? I'm not down with voting people out of anything when we're trying to build something here.
Anywhoo it looks like it's sorted now what ever it was lol. Remember people make love not war, now where did I put my lighter....
Stay Up!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry... I don't know what that means... I'm really really new... :smile:
From the looks of the pic it's just burn from the first introduction of nutes, is the fresh growth at the top still lookin full green?? If so don't worry they're ok I have a similar burn on my SAK's for the reason I just mentioned and they're bouncing along well now. As long as your new growth isn't showing the same issue your fine.


Well-Known Member
From the looks of the pic it's just burn from the first introduction of nutes, is the fresh growth at the top still lookin full green?? If so don't worry they're ok I have a similar burn on my SAK's for the reason I just mentioned and they're bouncing along well now. As long as your new growth isn't showing the same issue your fine.
Okay, I feel better. It was the first intro to stronger nutes. I start seeds and clones on 1/4 nutes (with 100% success so far) but I had just bumped them up to 3/4 strength when I put them in the new 5 gal DWC buckets. The RCB took that as the pistol shot to start the race, but the VK was a little freaked out...reason #2 why I took them out of the 3 spot reservoir (reason #1 became obvious the first time I tried to change that 25 gallon res by myself).

Speaking of clones, I've tried twice to add this update and I keep doing something ADD and stupid and losing the post.

Here's my clone update:

My Alice clone, taken from her mama when mama was 6 weeks into flowering, is starting to show some roots through her net pot.


And my Wednesday afternoon of cloning is still going well. It's day 3 and only one is showing a little distress with some wilty leaves.


And finally, here's another look at my FIM effort...still not entirely sure what's going to come of that effort...oh well, it had to be done. I was going to go bonkers staring at that top till I pinched it anyway. It'll be fun to see what comes of it.


karmas a bitch

Well-Known Member
Update on the kiddies. Sorry on the lack of pics I haven't taken any yet. I have 4 super sour skunks going strong I culled the rest of the 10. They reek already already. One is esp vigorous and stinky hopin it's a female but we all know that more often than not the super vigorous ones turn male. The plants seem very uniform in veg.

Only 2 of my 11 bodhi seeds popped at all. I'm still trying to contact him about that. But these two look great they are glowing. Hoping for two girls but if I get a male it should be nice. Fingers crossed.

And I have 6 of 10 Tga ace of spades going. Most likely gonna cull one more. No room for weak slow shit in my house. These might as well be clones. He says the line is uniform so far I agree. Mind u everything is young.

I use coco and amend it myself. I think my plants like it. They are about a week and a few days old. The SSK's and A11's are on their 5 node and stacked so tight it's ridiculous. I am veggin under a four foot 8 bulb t5 with veg bulbs. I don't know anything about cfls but I love these t5's.

Also have some sweet clone onlies thanks to a good friend. My OG Graze is pissed off in the very good kinda way. It's going crazy.


Well-Known Member
My Vanilla Kush is sprouting 7-frond leaves! I've never actually seen them, although I've heard that pot leaves are 5, 7, or 9...all I've ever seen is 5's.


Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
They will keep gettin more I had a widow plant with nine and I may have had one with more but Incan remember stupid stoner brain lol


Well-Known Member
lookin very nice everyone ;)

here's a little update from my flower room..


grape ape

gorilla grape

tga green queen x querkle tester

grape stomper bx




Well-Known Member
Excellente cmt, your works always a welcome sight for sore eyes mate. Something fresh in the mix from TGA too, your rockin the show as usual fella.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I've been busy in the grow room, doing what I need to, logging what I must, and snapping pictures like crazy. I am too lazy to really organize this update, and WAYYYY to high to care, so here's my photo dump.
