Connection between 24hr lights & males


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how they would work it out, there are too many variables to chart male to female ratios to get a valid source of data.

How could you know if sex reversal happened or is possible unless you know the sex of the seed before it hatches.

I'm still doubtful that anyone can tell the sex of a seed


Well-Known Member
NGT, no-ones being disruptive here, except you. This is purely a healthy discussion babygro, skunkushybrid, myself and a few others are having.

Moving on, skunkushybrid, I agree, roots do not like light, in fact light is very bad for them, however that dosent make it true that roots only grow at night.

Alot of people veg for 24/0, mostly, from my observations, either growers using CFL lighting and commercial growers. I see where commercial growers believe they claim to get 5 weeks of growth in, in 4 weeks this way.

If roots only grew during the dark period, all these people would never make it to harvest, and they do.


Well-Known Member
I do 18/6 but if you do 24/0 isnt that bad to never give your equipment a break I'm surprised they dont break quickly since M.H. lights get very hot


New Member
I give mainly 24 hour light in veg... only occasionally will I give the equipment a rest, but anyway back to the lights... lol.

It's because I clone in the same area and it's just easier. If I haven,t got any clones then I'll give them maybe 2-4 hours here and there.

VM, I agree... roots grow all the time, although if you grow in a clear container your roots won't grow as much because they'll shy away from the light. So even if they dared to spread during the dark period they would quickly die off again on 'lights on'.


Well-Known Member
you know skunkushybrid, I'm getting to wondering about a statement that gets tossed around alot, "giving the equipment a rest".

Now granted, I'm no electrician, I think abudsmoker and myself have pointed out that I am certainly no electrician. LoL, but I wonder what taxes my light more, running the light, or turning it on? I think turning it on would tax it alot more that simply leaving it on. The only benefit I see of turning it off is the heat.

So far as the roots, again I do agree, so long as your pot isnt clear, your all set.

I think the two most over looked aspects of growing have got to be, ventilation and roots. I've been experimenting with maxicrop seaweed extact to enhance my root growth, and I cant say I've actually noticed a difference with that product.


Well-Known Member
I think the two most over looked aspects of growing have got to be, ventilation and roots. I've been experimenting with maxicrop seaweed extact to enhance my root growth, and I cant say I've actually noticed a difference with that product.
No wonder you haven't noticed a difference - Maxicrop Seaweed isn't used to increase root growth and I'm damned if I'm going to tell you what its used for. Fancy using a product that you don't know what it does?

That sums you up nicely Videoman40, you give out the impression (to those impressionable enough to fall for it) that you possess considerable knowledge of this subject, but all you really do is just blindly copy others, without actually knowing or having the knowledge that those others have and try and replicate what they're doing by using the same products they do without actually understanding what they do or why they use them!

Next time, try and understand what a product does and why its used before using it.


Well-Known Member
Well geez whiz babygro, perhaps you should write the manufacturer and tell them that they are wrong? Because, amongst other benefits, they say and this is a quote from them:
"When sprayed onto plant leaves, or used to drench roots, it produces more roots: the bigger the root system the more nutrients and water the plant can absorb. Research has shown that Maxicrop Seaweed increases root growth by 60%."

So it seems you are the one giving a false impression baby about your knowledge of simply everything under the sun.
Put down your out of date grow giude, and prior to responding, do your own research next time.
Rather than trying to take pot shots at another grower, to try to make yourself look good.

Fancy responding about something you know absolutely nothing about.
Next time, try and understand what a product does and why its used before giving out advice.

No wonder you haven't noticed a difference - Maxicrop Seaweed isn't used to increase root growth and I'm damned if I'm going to tell you what its used for. Fancy using a product that you don't know what it does?

That sums you up nicely Videoman40, you give out the impression (to those impressionable enough to fall for it) that you possess considerable knowledge of this subject, but all you really do is just blindly copy others, without actually knowing or having the knowledge that those others have and try and replicate what they're doing by using the same products they do without actually understanding what they do or why they use them!

Next time, try and understand what a product does and why its used before using it.



Well-Known Member
This seconds study seems to indicate that a shorter veg. stage helps produce more females. I assume that by using 24/7 and MH lights will quicken the veg. stage more than using 18/6 and other types of lights?
Yes I did post the second one.

Well it's a natural assumption to make isn't it, more light = greater capacity for growth, at least that's the theory. What indicators do people use to claim that 24/0 lighting produces faster growth? Faster leaf and vegetative growth perhaps? Does what goes on above soil necessarily indicate what's going on below soil? Not necessarily, in fact the opposite is true, the less going on above the soil, usually indicates more going on below the soil, ie root growth.

So whilst all these knowledgeable people who want to get the greatest and fastest growth possible from their plants by using 24/0 lighting get wonderfully fast vegetative growth above the soil whilst allowing the roots to be under-developed in comparison below the soil due the photoperiod used.

Yes, I'll say it again (Videoman I hope you're reading this) roots grow MORE during the dark period than they do during the lights on period principally because the plant is photosynthesising light and putting that energy into vegetative leafy above ground growth, the roots grow very little during lights on period and and most root growth takes place during the dark period.

So by using 24/0 lights for the first 3 or 4 weeks, you're under-developing your root ball.

The first study that this thread is based on states that more darkness or less light (18/6) during the veg. stage will product more females. This will length the veg. stage somewhat. There is the difference in the 2 studies.

Yes I see the difference in the two studies. The first study was written by an old Overgrow member who used his own grow experiences to form general conclusions, the second one was taken from a site dealing specifically with Canna genetics and in my opinion should be far more reliable than the observations of one person. I'm not dismissing everything that the Overgrow member wrote, but if it's only based on the observations of one person, you have to bear that in mind when you decide which information is credible. At the end of the day you need to decide which you want to beleive and run with it.

Regarding extending the veg stage, it's not as simple as that. Firstly there's marginal growth difference between 24/0 and 18/6, with 24/0 producing more vegeative growth in a shorter timeframe than 18/6, but producing a weaker and smaller rootball due to the less growing time allowed for the roots. The 18/6 lighting regime produces less Vegetative growth in the same time frame, but more root growth due to the 6 hours of darkness.

The 18/6 plant is far more balanced in terms of growth above and below ground and with a well developed root ball can go on and continue healthy vegetative growth until 12/12 is instigated. The 24/0 plants are under-devloped below ground and will need to make that up at some point and whilst the rootball is under-developed it will always restrict the uptake and synthesisation of nutrients, restricting it's growth in the later stages.

This is my opinion on the 24/0, 18/6 debate.

By the way, do you have a science or technical background? You seem to be a lot more analytical than myself. In otherwords, people on this forum should go by what you say more than myself. I am just a newbie that what to learn and pass onto others when possible.
I have an arts background as it happens!


Well-Known Member
This is all well and good... except cannabis plants do not share the same XX/XY chromosome system that mammals do.
Yes they do.

Your argument is based on a faulty assumption.
No it isn't.

Credible research? Who the fuck do you think you are? This is nothing but shit, it proves absolutely nothing and you can't even read the full extract without having to pay for it.

Come up with something that actually substantiates what you're saying, before starting to tell others they're wrong.

It really isn't disputable that some plants' gender can be influenced by environmental factors.
That's nice of you to concede.

It appears that this is the case with marijuana as well.
It doesn't 'appear' - it is the case.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, the 1st study was written by Dutch Passion, you have the 2 studies mixed up here I believe.
Yes, I'm reading your post, and previously you stated the roots grow at night time, now your stating that they simply grow more at night.
I agree to the point that roots need darkness. I do not agree that they grow more at night though. That is the reason that you shouldnt use a clear planter. It's always dark to the roots.
In fact I think they grow less at night, as the plant is runnning on batteries, if you'll indulge me here. The plant, and the leaves store up energy during the day, so it can continue to work during the night time, however it's effiiency is less than with the lights on.
It may be concentrating more on the roots during this time frame, but again, it is running on it's reserved resources during lights out.

To assume the roots only grow at night, would mean that everyone who vegges for 24 hours would never get to harvest, and alot of commercial growers do just that, veg for 24 hours, to get to harvest sooner.


Active Member
This is a very important and interesting topic for growers, but I'm going Crazy and my Head Is About To Explode (and I am not even high). Man this is some wild stuff. Enjoy reading everyone's input though. Thanks for all the different and sometimes same (in agreement) insight(s).


Well-Known Member
I'd love to argue this point with you babygro, but as I read the thread again, I see that you still believe roots only grow at night too, another myth.
I've never ever stated that roots ONLY grow at lights off. If I have please point out in all my posts (which you know so well) where I've said it. I've never made a secret of the fact that I beleive roots grow MORE at lights off than they do during lights on.

Seeing as where you are coming from, I'm not going to dive into this with you, as you've also put me in a position of doing what, producing a plant that was obviously killed months ago?
Since when have you ever grown seed bank bought feminised seeds Videoman? And I asked you to find me an example out of the whole site, not the one YOU claim was.

Do some reading, or post the question in one of the other forums you frequent.
I have no need to, I'm perfectly happy in my beliefs. I wouldn't start talking about other forums either, I still haven't stop laughing about what El Campesino said to you on Grow Kind when you raised this subject over there!

Female seeds to give a much high ration of females, but hermies are possible and so are males. It is not a guaranteed, magical answer to always get only females.
Whats a female seed Videoman? Do you mean 'feminised'?

The only way to get a male from feminised seeds is if it reverses sex completely before flowering and that as I'm sure you're aware is highly improbable.

There is NO genetic way of getting a male plant from feminised seeds as I've explained countless times already.

Put up or shut up Videoman - come up with some empirical proof that you can get males from feminised seeds, because so far you've produced diddly squat.

If anyone else on here reading this has ever produced a male plant from a pack of feminised seeds I'd like to hear about it, because out of all the people I've known who've used feminised seeds not one single one of them has ever had a male plant.


New Member
You can get male seed from a hermie, it's just that a normal fem' must've been turned hermie. Then her seed will have a percentage of male seed.

Only natural hermies produce 100% fems and a minority (hopefully) of hermies.


Well-Known Member
all untrue hermies will produce males.
No they won't. Only the ones that started out as genetic males can produce male offspring because only males carry the male chromosome.

If you hermie one of your plants, the seed from it will be very, very unstable no matter what sex it is. Even seed from a natural hermie are unstable.
This isn't true either. So are you saying that all feminised seeds are unstable? I'd agree feminised seeds are more likely to produce more herms than standard seeds would given the same environmental conditions but that's a genetic thing, not an instablity.

Roots only grow in the dark, not at night. It should always be dark/night to your roots. They shy away from the light. I have witnessed this myself by growing a plant/runt in a clear plastic tub.
I don't think anyone disputes that roots only grow in dark environments and light kills roots.


Well-Known Member
I think turning it on would tax it alot more that simply leaving it on. The only benefit I see of turning it off is the heat.
I'm not sure the 'switch on/off' deterioration an incandescent light bulb suffers from applies to HID systems. Certainly the Magnetic ballast fixed startup voltages will deteriorate a bulb faster than if it was in continuous use, but I'm not so sure that applies with the 'soft start' of electronic ballasts. The rated hourly life of HID bulbs is rated in hours of use, I'm not sure whether that contains adjusted information for 'typical' use, or just the rated lifetime hourly burn with maintenance switch offs as below.

In any case as I understand it, all system HID bulbs should be switched off for about 15 minutes every week.


Well-Known Member
So it seems you are the one giving a false impression baby about your knowledge of simply everything under the sun. Put down your out of date grow giude, and prior to responding, do your own research next time Rather than trying to take pot shots at another grower, to try to make yourself look good.
That may well be Maxicrops 'official line' as to what it does, and I suppose you could be excused for buying it for that purpose, but that's not what I use it for and it's not what pretty much all the other people who buy it use it for either. If I wanted more root growth I'd use something like Biobizz's Root Juice, not Seaweed extract. I'll leave you to figure out what 'other' people use it for and now I'll have to be careful of what I put in my grow journal about it.

Fancy responding about something you know absolutely nothing about. Next time, try and understand what a product does and why its used before giving out advice.
You use it for what you think it does and I'll use it for what I know it does and I want it to do. Don't you find it strange that out of the pair of us that use this product, you're the one who's disappointed and can't see any evidence of it being any good? Whereas I'm perfectly happy with what its doing for me.

Think about that.


New Member
This isn't true either. So are you saying that all feminised seeds are unstable? I'd agree feminised seeds are more likely to produce more herms than standard seeds would given the same environmental conditions but that's a genetic thing, not an instablity.

Yes they are all unstable. When I bought feminised grapefruit I checked into the strain and found that it had a stability factor of 55% (i think, it may have been 65%).

If you make mistakes with feminised plants, like say leaving the lights on for 24 hours half way through flower, your ph is off etc... all of these things increase your chances (much more so than with normal seed) of hermying your plants.


New Member
No they won't. Only the ones that started out as genetic males can produce male offspring because only males carry the male chromosome.
This also makes no sense. If the male plant is the only one that carries the male chromosome, how come you can hermie a fem'?


Well-Known Member
Wow, some thing never change. You seem to be the only one believing your BS, and you seem to think the louder you yell the more it makes you right.
That's pretty entertaining, to say the least, but usually a waste of everyones time.

I had to wait almost a day for you to go look up these answers? Holy shit, c'mon, you can do better than that babygro!

So you want proof of a male grown from femenized seeds, on a grow web site, that i didn't grow, I just want to make sure I understand, your rules correctly, for your little game, it is your head game after all, right?

Because of the fact that you've explained it countless times means little if anything at all. That's obvious.

If you read the whole thread, you would have read where El Campesino apologized because he mistook me for someone else. (probaly you?)

I've bought fem seeds, yes, am I suppose to provide you with dates and a reseipt?

The male chromosome, as I've said countless times, are always present.

I don't need to be excused by you for whatever reason I decide to buy anything baby. It's funny how you take the liberty of talking for "everyone else". It was someone else that recommended it to me, for that purpose. Well that purpose and it aids in reducing stress.


Well-Known Member
Ahh hell. I am going to be busy tomorrow babygro, so I won't have the time tomorrow to respond to you.

So I'll save you the the time of signing on and off, while you research your answers.......

Here is one grow where the grower used femenized seeds, and ended up with a few MALES, not hermies.....just MALES. ROFLMAO

In case you are too afraid to look, I'll quote him here for you:
"well it looks like i might not have anything to flower! i have 2 confirmed males and 2 that definately look like they're going to be male! thats 4 out of 5 feminized seeds NOT FEMALE!!"

If you look around over there, there are several other growers who used femenized seeds, and got MALES! Not hermies, just males.

At this point, you should go over there and tell them that it's not allowed, because YOU believe it to be an impossiblity.
(I think you forgot to tell all the pot plants too, as they not aware of your beliefs yet either, maybe they'll there ways change for ya, if you stomp yr feet and yell loud enough at them)