

Well-Known Member
just found out mine was female...a few days ago it had those. then grew hair on cola, then today 2 hairs sprouted out of on of those calyx's


Well-Known Member
My first grow I about shit myself because I thought I had a male and I left it in there for a few more days and it grew hairs.
how about this for a kicker . the clones i cut about 3 weeks ago got moved into 1 gal bags today , giving them a good look over i see that 2 of the 5 are starting to flower . they are under 24/7 42000+ kelvin cfl . 80 degrees 50%RH . not sure why this is . any ideas .


Active Member
how about this for a kicker . the clones i cut about 3 weeks ago got moved into 1 gal bags today , giving them a good look over i see that 2 of the 5 are starting to flower . they are under 24/7 42000+ kelvin cfl . 80 degrees 50%RH . not sure why this is . any ideas .

i think you mean lumens bro...

kelvin measures heat

42000 kelvin is = to 75140.33 degrees F
so should i leave them under 24/7 or should i move them to the flower room .
and sorry for the dyslexia sour it is 24000 kelvinDSC01665.jpgi have 2 of these and two other sets of natural blue