

Well-Known Member
I must be losing it, I went to see my Dr to discuss all the pain I've been having and his suggestion was anti depression medication. Yes, ok I'll admit that I'm depressed, who wouldn't be after being unemployed for longer than I care to admit and suffer from chronic pain, no money yadda yadda.
But the the very first thing out of his mouth is lets try it again {I stopped taking SSRI's years ago} and see if it helps, maybe see a therapist he says.
Now I'm still in pain but I have a script for SSRI's and possibly a chat with my local shrink.
I'm thinking of saying yes to the therapist, only to see if they find anything in there worth talking about.
I was going to start the conversation with "Call me Ismael" ;)


Well-Known Member
I must be losing it, I went to see my Dr to discuss all the pain I've been having and his suggestion was anti depression medication. Yes, ok I'll admit that I'm depressed, who wouldn't be after being unemployed for longer than I care to admit and suffer from chronic pain, no money yadda yadda.
But the the very first thing out of his mouth is lets try it again {I stopped taking SSRI's years ago} and see if it helps, maybe see a therapist he says.
Now I'm still in pain but I have a script for SSRI's and possibly a chat with my local shrink.
I'm thinking of saying yes to the therapist, only to see if they find anything in there worth talking about.
I was going to start the conversation with "Call me Ismael" ;)
Remember that it is legal for big pharma to pay doctors to script their drugs. I had a friend go in to the doctor asking for just a handful of sleeping pills because he was going through crazy swing shift schedule at work and it was messing him up. Dr responded by trying to get him on a long term script of lexipro. when my friend asked the doctor why he would need long term antidepressants to treat a temporary acute form of insomnia the only response the Dr could give him was "you'll like it, all the guys on wall street are taking it right now." My friend walked out on him. 2 weeks later my friend gets a letter in the mail from the practice stating that the doctor was "released" from the partnership. It may be dead in radio but; PAYOLA is still king with health care.


Well-Known Member
Remember that it is legal for big pharma to pay doctors to script their drugs. I had a friend go in to the doctor asking for just a handful of sleeping pills because he was going through crazy swing shift schedule at work and it was messing him up. Dr responded by trying to get him on a long term script of lexipro. when my friend asked the doctor why he would need long term antidepressants to treat a temporary acute form of insomnia the only response the Dr could give him was "you'll like it, all the guys on wall street are taking it right now." My friend walked out on him. 2 weeks later my friend gets a letter in the mail from the practice stating that the doctor was "released" from the partnership. It may be dead in radio but; PAYOLA is still king with health care.
I agree, I've worked with Dr's for the past 15yrs and seen some shady characters in that time but on a whole the medical community is still a great thing, I personally wish some physicians were more open to other ways of healing then just the usual pill. I feel as though I've been given the bum's rush and not clearly understood by my Dr, so might be time for a change. In defense though he is correct, SSRI's have been shown to help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with chronic pain and I can see where he is coming from but I still would like to try other options before going back to the brain "candy".

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I must be losing it, I went to see my Dr to discuss all the pain I've been having and his suggestion was anti depression medication. Yes, ok I'll admit that I'm depressed, who wouldn't be after being unemployed for longer than I care to admit and suffer from chronic pain, no money yadda yadda.
But the the very first thing out of his mouth is lets try it again {I stopped taking SSRI's years ago} and see if it helps, maybe see a therapist he says.
Now I'm still in pain but I have a script for SSRI's and possibly a chat with my local shrink.
I'm thinking of saying yes to the therapist, only to see if they find anything in there worth talking about.
I was going to start the conversation with "Call me Ismael" ;)

Oh man :( I feel for you brother. I hope you find some other way to ease your pain.

fuck psychotropes :( :(


Well-Known Member
Oh man :( I feel for you brother. I hope you find some other way to ease your pain.

fuck psychotropes :( :(
Thanks joe, I was kind of hoping he would have had other ideas not just the knee jerk reaction of most Dr's today, maybe I'm expecting too much but I don't think so. I haven't filled the script yet and the decision is mine but I'm still on the fence with this one so that's the reason I posted it here, to see what others may have to say, a consensus of sorts and what better group to query I personally don't know of anything quite like the group of people we have here.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I'm a little biased cuz i've seen them destroy someones life. I am aware that they do not have this effect on everyone though.

It is too bad that doctors today don't take the time to get to know their patients, instead of immediately writing a script and sending you on your way.

At least you are aware of the drawbacks and are hesitant to jump back in. Instead of just blindly following the docs advice.

i've found therapists to be more honest and open about the effects of ptropes and such.

To me it's like the doc prescribes the stuff and the therapist has to deal with the effects they have on the patient.


Ursus marijanus
I must be losing it, I went to see my Dr to discuss all the pain I've been having and his suggestion was anti depression medication. Yes, ok I'll admit that I'm depressed, who wouldn't be after being unemployed for longer than I care to admit and suffer from chronic pain, no money yadda yadda.
But the the very first thing out of his mouth is lets try it again {I stopped taking SSRI's years ago} and see if it helps, maybe see a therapist he says.
Now I'm still in pain but I have a script for SSRI's and possibly a chat with my local shrink.
I'm thinking of saying yes to the therapist, only to see if they find anything in there worth talking about.
I was going to start the conversation with "Call me Ismael" ;)
I wonder if something like gabapentin (Neurontin) might be worth a shot. it's much safer (afaik!) than any of the psychotropes, and is indicated for neuropathic pain. Chronic pain has a significant neuropathic component. Might take some of the edge off. But ymmv.


New Member
Sunday night, I was working a later shift than usual at the gas station for the grocery store I work at, and a box was falling behind me, so I kicked it back up to prevent it from dumping its shit everywhere.
My pants ripped. Right in the crotch area.
Fuck you JC Penney chinos.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if something like gabapentin (Neurontin) might be worth a shot. it's much safer (afaik!) than any of the psychotropes, and is indicated for neuropathic pain. Chronic pain has a significant neuropathic component. Might take some of the edge off. But ymmv.
Thanks cn, I will look it up and ask about it when I see him next.


Ursus marijanus
Sunday night, I was working a later shift than usual at the gas station for the grocery store I work at, and a box was falling behind me, so I kicked it back up to prevent it from dumping its shit everywhere.
My pants ripped. Right in the crotch area.
Fuck you JC Penney chinos.
A Penney saved is a peeny burned.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I wonder if something like gabapentin (Neurontin) might be worth a shot. it's much safer (afaik!) than any of the psychotropes, and is indicated for neuropathic pain. Chronic pain has a significant neuropathic component. Might take some of the edge off. But ymmv.
Yeah big pharma made a killing promoting Neurontin for off label use in neuropathic pain.


Well-Known Member
There must be more to this. Bask in our sympathy. Bare your soul. Amuse us.
About three months ago we ordered a pie. After a while we eventually become aware of a ruckus outside. It was a delivery guy who couldn't manage to ring the bell or use a phone pounding on the ground floor door of our small building (2 units). So I pay him and tip him around $3.75 (plus the $2 delivery charge which he gets 100% of). But the change was misunderstood to him. I think the bill was in the high $20s, I gave him $40 and asked for $9 back. Well he rips into me for giving him a $1.75 tip. Calls me an asshole and worse. Frankly, if it was a $1.75 tip he had no right doing it. I routinely tip on the high end and was in no mood to be abused by some dirty old man (homeless looking in clothing and hygene) for any tip whatsoever. I waited for him to finish, explained his error and warned him that if he ever again set foot on my property it would not go well for him. Instead of kicking his ass I called the pizza place and explained what happened. Strongly suggested that they never send him to my door again. Being a high tech local pizzeria, they have complied until last night. I even forgot that this guy was from their place.

So we order a pie last night. After a while we hear a ruckus, somebody pounding on the door. Look out the window..... Asshole is out on the sidewalk yelling "pizza!". I open the door, hit the doorbell to make sure it's working (ding dong, yep) and wait for him to get to the door. Guess who? "Aren't you the guy who chewed me out a few months ago for a $3 tip?"

"Uh, no" but the sudden recognition in his eyes was obvious. This time the bill was $21 and change and I had brought down $25. So I told him that I had planned on giving the driver $25 but since he was the guy in question, I wanted $3 back (leaving him a tidy 75 cents). Made it real clear why I was doing it. This guys just stands there with my $25 added to his stack and says "Are you serious?".

"Give me my $3" I said. "you're an asshole" he replied. I agreed with him and explained that if he didn't shell out my $3s in change that I was going to beat his ass hard. I think he knew it was true. So he peeled off the 3 handed it to me and then spit at my feet. I let him go realizing that my legal right to kick his ass and get away with it with pretty much ended when I got my $3 back.

Too bad about the pizza place. Can't possibly order there again.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
well that's fucked up UBR.

people who think they deserve a tip in service industries should go find a new job

fuck that!

I've been known to give up to 40% if service is outstanding. I've also left no tip many more times.

I really don't give a fuck how bad a day someone is having........bring it to work and I have to feel it.


One time the family and I went to D.C. We had never been there before and ended up taking taxi's around here and there.

most of the trips were less than ten minutes and less than twenty bucks. We went to the air&space museum and it was like half an hour out.

Being from out of town we had no idea how far it was and the driver didn't tell us.

He took us round trip as there were no taxi's way out there to get us back. When we got back the bill was $160 WOW!

I paid the guy and he was like 10% tip? In his broken english. I gave him 5% Because he really was a nice guy but still believe he should have told us how much the fare would be before we left....

this was years ago before the days of garmin and other gps.