Composte tea with flood and drain tables...


Active Member
I recently switched from soil to hydro and don't know a ton about hydro just yet. I am curious how much tea I should add to my res. I use (6) 20 gallon reservoirs. I usually brew my tea in a rubbermaid garbage can then water my plants...I am just not sure how much I should add to each 20 gallon res.

I use worm castings budswel and molasses for my tea


Well-Known Member
thats hard to say without knowing how strong your tea is.......also a sidenote using teas and organic type nutrients in hydro leaves ALOT of residue so keep an eye on your pumps and drains. try using the same breakdown you do in soil and go from there. if its too hot hydro flushes a lot easier than soil so you can just guess and check :)


Active Member
Thanks and makes sense. I put my compost in panty hose so most of the gunk gets out that way but I was thinking of straining it through something like cheese cloth before adding to the res.


Well-Known Member
i mean besides the actual solids the liquid will leave a residue most if not all nutes do some worse than others but organic based is the worst as far as cleanup goes. i cant imagine molasses in my res and stuff lol