Compost tea 10$ a gallon


Active Member
Did not know that mother nature had a PHD I thought she did it naturally.

Compost is organic matter of some sort or another. With a shelf life on living microbes that would be alive. However it would still be useful as nutrients long after.


Well-Known Member
imo dont use it.a local shop has some here also,vortex brewer,the thing is they dont make new batchs every few days...they dont get rid of it fast enough,just trying to say you never know what they are doing to it.just do it yourself.


Active Member
If you have 5 feet in your yard, there is no reason that you cannot make your own soil and all the TEA you will ever need... Really it just water threw compost. I will sell anyone here a gallon of Tea... Certified by me to be tea for 1$ a gallon. $48.99 Shipping AND Handling... Just PM me you bank account


Well-Known Member
If you don't want answers, don't post questions. bongsmilie

normally I completely agree with this point and I constantly tell people something similar to this, but no one answered the question he asked and instead everyone just offered their opinion on something he didn't ask. He never asked if anyone thought the tea might be good or if anyone else is buying teas from their hydro store or how to brew your own tea or anything like that. He only asked if he could buy the tea and keep it brewing at home. No one answered that question and instead decided to offer their opinion on why he should not buy that tea and should brew his own instead. these replies would be okay if his question was "hey guys should I buy this overpriced tea from the hydro shop or should I brew my own?" or something like that.

to the OP, I would not recommend trying to keep things brewing at home. buy the tea if you want, but use it as soon as possible. if you have no desire to learn how to make your own tea I just don't see why you would be willing to learn how to keep that "quality" tea brewing.


Well-Known Member
hey man, i just started trying organics and so far so good. if i may put in my 2¢ here.

go to your local shop that sells Earthworm Castings, grab up a 10$ bag of the this will last you for 10 grows if you choose to use it for tea purposes only, i ammend my soil with 3/4 of the bag then use the remaining 1/4 to make my tea.

you dont need the kelp, it is helpfull but not necessary.

get a bottle of unsulfured molasses
a air pump with a airstone, this will last forever and is a good investment. if you dont want to brew tea anymore you can use it to setup a small hydro system for shits and giggles. it will never be "not usefull"

depending on the size of your grow you will need a bucket, if your only growing 1-2 plants i would say a milk jug or 2 gallon pale would work great like a mop bucket. if your grow is a larger scale your going to want a 5 gal bucket. i use both depending on what i have to water.

and you will need a "tea bag" i dont really know what to recomend here, i used a sock but im sure there is better out there to use, i heard the paint strainers work well....

so far with these items your up to 25$ maybe 30$ but some of this shit you may have already so this will cut costs.

then follow the recipe for a simple tea, baisicly add some castings to the "sock" tie it to the rim of the container so it is immersed in the water. add the molasses and optional kelp and the air pump. come back in 24 hours and immidiatly feed it to your plants. the whole point of brewing a tea is to populate your soil with microbes that break down other shit in the soil to provide nutes, it also adds nutrients to the soil but thats more or less a side bonus. if you buy a gallong jug of this "tea" by the time it braves the changes in temp and no oxygen the microbes will be dead and you will be left with some shitty smelling water. its not only better to make your own but more sensible if you want to get ALL of the qualities of a good compost tea.

i just finished my first batch yesterday and watered my plants (all but one, i overlooked on accident) i brewed my first batch in a 5 gal bucket. since i missed 1 plant i decided i wanted to make another gallon(just got done mixing it it is going to set till tomorow then i will feed with it)

im not saying this is the correct way to do the tea but all i did was add 1 cup castings to a gallon jug (no teabag just dumped them into the jug) i figure if i can ammend my soil with them then they arent going to hurt anything sitting on top. added my molasses and 1tblsp of happy frog 3-4-3 fertilizer (not sure if the happy frog does much but i add it just for extra avail nutes upon watering) and my molasses. remind you that i didnt use any tea bags for any of this its all just free floating in the jug. i added my water and shook it up, then added airstone. it literally took me 5 min to put together and i would be willing to bet its going to be a better tea than what your going to buy at the store.

anyways thats my story, im new to organics and all the shit i just said may be totally bogus and wrong but thats what im doing.

Ps. the plants i watered last night with the other tea seem to love it, they have already shown a improvement in growth and it has been about 12 hours :)

Gl on you adventure man and happy growing


Well-Known Member
normally I completely agree with this point and I constantly tell people something similar to this, but no one answered the question he asked and instead everyone just offered their opinion on something he didn't ask. He never asked if anyone thought the tea might be good or if anyone else is buying teas from their hydro store or how to brew your own tea or anything like that. He only asked if he could buy the tea and keep it brewing at home. No one answered that question and instead decided to offer their opinion on why he should not buy that tea and should brew his own instead. these replies would be okay if his question was "hey guys should I buy this overpriced tea from the hydro shop or should I brew my own?" or something like that.

to the OP, I would not recommend trying to keep things brewing at home. buy the tea if you want, but use it as soon as possible. if you have no desire to learn how to make your own tea I just don't see why you would be willing to learn how to keep that "quality" tea brewing.
good point man, as i just went off on a rant too lol......the question he asked cannot really be answered tho because in order to continue brewing it it will need to have some life left in it. we dont know how long this tea has been capped in a jug??? is it fresh out of the brewer? if it is then the answer is yes, just airstone it and you will have to continue to feed the microbes or they will die, once a day a lil kelp and or molasses (unsulfered) but if your going to go to the trouble of brewing his tea why not brew yours?


Well-Known Member
this guy might put 600$ bottle of whoknowswhat in the tea but like the OP said what the hell is it? a Tblsp of some rare ass one of a kind animal shit? cuz thats all a good tea is made of is SHIT!!

worm casting = worm shit
guanno = bat shit
cow/horse/rabbit manure = shit
chicken shit
really any kind of vegitarian animal shit (i dont believe carnivourious shit is good like dog/cat shit)



Well-Known Member
My local grow shop sells compost tea for 10.00
I have air stones and a bucket and organic molasses. Can I purchase the compost tea and just keep it brewing perpetually:?:


lol original question was aked 9/22/11 i think were all a little late !!!!


Active Member
my local hydro shop charges $10 for half a gallon that vermiT brand... I'd rather make my own and atleast you can taylor your teas to what you need, veg, flower, foliar....and you know its fresh too! And if you want to go the extra mile, you can get your tea tested through Soil Food Web but you'll have to overnight it :(


Well-Known Member
Guy at local store talked up the tea mix that they use in the store and he gave me a free jug of it. Every time I went in he refilled me for free until one day. That day I walked in and hes like Oh I got something for you and busted out a diy kit for like 15 bucks and gave me like 10 brews worth of samples of the line that they use in the store for the tea. Now that's salesmanship.


Guy at local store talked up the tea mix that they use in the store and he gave me a free jug of it. Every time I went in he refilled me for free until one day. That day I walked in and hes like Oh I got something for you and busted out a diy kit for like 15 bucks and gave me like 10 brews worth of samples of the line that they use in the store for the tea. Now that's salesmanship.
That is awesome. They'd have my business as long as they are open for business. You found yourself a gem good sir!