Compost starter to make tea?


Well-Known Member
I use KELP MEAL to add to my soil mix, but kelp4less OMRI Certified water soluble KELP POWDER to my watering but mostly for my foliar feed regimen. Agreed, it would be ideal to not use refined concentrates, but we all make some compromises for convenience. To get back to the original topic of the post, it would also be ideal to not purchase prepared starter and to make it yourself with the base ingredients. Wish I had unlimited space and time so I could be a complete purist, but I have a life outside of growing medical cannabis.
My sincere apologies. Didn't mean to get anyone's panties in a twist. I capitalized kelp meal, because if it doesn't say that, then it's not. Many people do not understand the difference.

If you have kelp meal and you want to foliar, I mix about 1/4c kelp meal with about 1/2c water. Let sit until the water is absorbed, and then puree. You can store this in the frig for a while, and it will disolve easier in water when you want to use it. Just trying to save some coin. ;)

For the thread topic... I would use some high quality, fresh EWC. This will have all the microbes you need for a tea. If you want a little more diversity, throw in a small pinch of forest duff or even some sphagnum peat moss.


