complete newbie says hello and for some tips!

who's asking?

Active Member
hi everyone, like the forum.

im using a 600w hps light 24/7 over a few 100% female northern lights if that helps with coco soil and coca a and b fertilizer

one plant is looking a bit yellow at the tips, but im not sure its just the colour of the light, is this a case of too much fertilizer?
i planted a few in a jiffy cube- are these good or bad? the others; i germinated them with the paper towel method. ive just potted them when i saw about 10mm of that tail thing. is that ok?

oR Am i pArAnoiD? :joint:

thanks all!

who's asking?

Active Member
also the room im growing them in gets a bit cold during the night, but would the heat from the light give a nice warm fuzzy growing niceyness for my plants? is that ok for the optimal growing conditions mentioned in a thread earlier? thanks again!


Well-Known Member
how cold does it get? no wait, your answer doesn't matter - keeping a constant, warm temp is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of growing. I never thought about it that much when i started. "i got my light, soil and seeds - i'm good to go!"... ya gotta stabilize the temp brah..

Also, that 600W kight could be blasting those little seedlings too much. I started mine on a big light (400w MH), and they did well. But some recommend against it until they have gotten a little more established...


Well-Known Member
Are you checking your PH? You should know the temp of your room. Keep the temp between 60 - 80 degrees.

who's asking?

Active Member
ive been checking the pH so its around 6.0- 6.5 so i think thats about right. (stand to be corrected tho).
this sounds stupid but how warm is 60- 80 deg in laymans' terms? that seems bloody hot, a lot higher that average room temp as we all know that water evaporates @ 100. please share the knowledge!

so if i cover my seedlings up, keep the light on (thus providing a constand temp ?) wave a magic wand and they will grow?

thanks for your replies.


Well-Known Member
60-80 is too broad of a temp span. 75 night and 85 day is optimal temps. the pH is fine, i think that 600 watter is cooking them. try starting them off with fluoros until theyre about 2 weeks old. then blast them with that HPS


Active Member
You need to purchase a digital thermometer that keeps track of high's and low's. You only want a 10 degree difference at the most between night and day. Nothing below 60 or above 80, unless CO2 is added then you can go up to the 90's. Clones and seeds love fluorescents, the seem to do better then having them under 400 mh or 600 hps. Change to hps or mh after they have had a couple days of new stady growth.

who's asking?

Active Member
a digital thermo sounds expensive.. what are we looking at here?

will using simple desk lamps work? i dont really want to spend any more money!

thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
this sounds stupid but how warm is 60- 80 deg in laymans' terms?

so if i cover my seedlings up, keep the light on (thus providing a constand temp ?) wave a magic wand and they will grow?
75°F is roughly 24°Celsius if that helps... According to the Advanced Nutrients scientists, the only preferred temp flucuation for marijuana is -15° during the dark cycle. Keep it warm all the time. Use lights, fans, open/closed windows, open/closed doors, vents, shafts, tunnels, chunnels, tubing, rain-dancing and plenty of flan to keep things as constant as possible around your plants.

Read all the newbie, general, diy weed growing threads, websites, books, articles and blogs that you can. That is all basic stuff you need to have down when you start growing so that your brain is able to move on to the more advanced stuff while you're growing. That may not make much sense now, but it worked for me so, write it down!

If your "magic wand" is made of fresh 75°F air, room temp distilled water with progressively stronger appropriate nutrients, powerful high intensity discharge lights, testers, thermometers, timers, clippers, and lots of patience; than ya - it's just THAT EASY :mrgreen:

who's asking?

Active Member
here you go..
the first one is the only actual plant. the other three have died, i guess its too much nutrient? :oops: the second one started to sprout well buty is looking, a bit distressed. the rest have sprouted and are in soil.

the photos are crap but its the best i can do!

