Complete newbie - dwc advise, please!!!


I bought all the stuff and set up a DWC sytem in four 5-gal buckets, I have a T5 6500K light. I germinated 3 white widow seeds and 3 of the free seeds. I got two little ww seedlings, and placed them in the DWC buckets. As soon as I put the seedlings in the buckets, they started going downhill. Every time I checked on them, the rockwool was completely dry, so I moved them a little lower in the pot by removing some of the dry hydroton. The next day, one of my girls had completely fallen over and her leaves were shriveled and dry. The other girl looked completely dry, but ok. Today, I checked on them, and it appears that girl1 is dead - although she's still standing, all her leaves are history. Should I just give up on her now, or should I keep her in the DWC to see if she makes a comeback? Does the fact that my rockwool and hydroton have always been DRY, does that mean I am putting too much hydroton in the lid pots? I also was wondering how do all of you guys know how much water your plant drank? I know it's a ppm issue, but I don't understand. HELP, PLEASE!!


Active Member
You need to make sure the seedling is nested into just the hydrotron. I use the 2 inch net pot full of hydrotron only. Same with clones.
When they get to 4-6 inches tall and the roots are established I transfer them into the 5 inch net pot making sure to get the roots at the bottom of the pot
and then filling in with hydrotron. So they start off in the blue rubber maids with the water level touch the bottom of the net pot. I'll top water a couple of times a day
to make sure they are gettin the moisture the need.

From the blue rubber maids to the 5 inch net pots and big res. Tap water 68-70 f, 5.8-6.0 ph, 300 or less on the ppms and that's about the read on the tap so no nutes
right off the bat. Water level again to the bottom of the net pots to make sure they stay moist. Top water a few times a day to keep the hydrotron moist.

Rockwool can mess things up in a Hydro set up. mho, ditch it and learn to clean, clean, clean your rocks. I've used the same ones for years and only buy a bag
every couple of years to replace spilled and lost. I used a lot of Hydrotron.

I used 110 liter per minute air pumps connected to diffusers, not air stones. Each res is a tsunami of bubbles. 30 mins on. 30 mins off.

If you are stuck with the rock wool for now, hydrate the heck out of it and keep it moist till the roots hit the water.

Hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
Dwc=deep water culture. Meaning the roots are to be submerged in nutrient solution at all times. The water has to get to the plant or it dies.


Active Member
Roots need to be COMPLETELY submerged (underwater) at all times.

Once the roots are in the water you can stop top watering, they won't need it.

Pay attention to water temp, ph and ppm. Less is more when it comes to ppm in hydro.


my rockwool and hydroton have always been DRY
seems like your seedlings are dying from thirst.. ppm is not an issue if water is not even getting to your seedlings..

you need to either hand water or run a drip.. the rockwool should not be dry until roots are in water.. good luck!


Thanks for all the great advice! I put the rockwool deeper in the net pots and they're staying good and wet now! I really appreciate all your help!