Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!


Well-Known Member
Don`t forget to wipe then, .... you gotta teach a kid that too.

That`s all you got ?

Now that you look stupid let`s hear from Harrekin.

When you have a child, one of your goals is to bring up that kid to be ..."better than that" ... not, succumb to that......
Don't mention me, you little bitch.

I raise my kids to concentrate on their own shit and not bother other people despite their differences.


Well-Known Member
I raise my kids to concentrate on their own shit and not bother other people despite their differences.
Gee... how forward thinking! Just think- they'll be able to interact with anyone without bias. Good for you H! You must be proud of what you've done.


Well-Known Member
Gee... how forward thinking! Just think- they'll be able to interact with anyone without bias. Good for you H! You must be proud of what you've done.
99% of the time if you give respect you get respect, simple as that really.


Well-Known Member
Don't mention me, you little bitch.

I raise my kids to concentrate on their own shit and not bother other people despite their differences.

You are the other one spit`n,.. I`ll mention you and there`s nothing you can fucking do about it. My kids are interactive without bias and plenty of manners and respect, they don`t bother anyone but they have a extra sense to be aware and cautious and they were taught what to look for but use discretion.

You say shit about my kids without ever knowing them, and deduct your reasoning out of your ass, you got nothing else.

Your way is not "The" way.......


Well-Known Member
It's just no fun being high and mighty in the lord's eye if everyone else is just as high and mighty. So let's sweepingly say 50% of you are sodomites. That'll make the rest of us feel better.


Well-Known Member
Again, no kids, and don`t understand.
You are the other one spit`n,.. I`ll mention you and there`s nothing you can fucking do about it. My kids are interactive without bias and plenty of manners and respect, they don`t bother anyone but they have a extra sense to be aware and cautious and they were taught what to look for but use discretion.

You say shit about my kids without ever knowing them, and deduct your reasoning out of your ass, you got nothing else.

Your way is not "The" way.......
My daughter would whip your ass while you stare at boy would kick your ankle.....


Well-Known Member


Guy`s a F`n idiot and has no clue what he speaks, he needs to speak though, so he will.

Is that your cute but extra, extra large walmart kid there Paddy ??
You don't need kids to understand thinking they're hot is weird as fuck

See, you couldn`t be more wrong. Anyone with kids knows that. Because you lack the love, you can`t have the feelings. As you can see I am still not resorting to name calling on kids instead of the primary target. I wont pick on your kids if you ever have them, like Harrekin, it shows weaknesses. OOOPs not to mention Harrekin no more,.. slipped,...sorry.

Now what where you saying about my kids again,...? Can you redirect to me if you ya know, don`t mind,.....? Or, are you out ?