come on people!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
arrid, i am overjoyed it's gonna change. i simply was tired of listening to you people bitch and complain but never do anything to solve the problem. so i started a thread to get ideas to help new people (including myself) to understand whats in growfaqs. everyone here calls me a child because the way i talk (type), WELL NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, YOU TALK TO EACH OTHER THE EXACT SAME WAY EACH AND EVERY DAY. HELL THE ADMINISTRATOR EVEN HAD TO WRITE A THREAD HIMSELF BACK IN FEBUARY ABOUT HOW CHILDISH EVERONE IS ACTING. HELL I WASN'T EVEN A SUBSCRIBER YET!!! SO FUCK YOU ALL


Well at least you gave me a great quote for my sig. Been nice knowin' ya!


New Member
why are we arguing about a site that helps us grow thats FREE ..thats like when people talk shit about map quest for putting them a couple blocks off..ITS A FREE SITE