comassion clubs are closed... now where to get my clones?


Well-Known Member
Im new to growing with the system that ive assembled. ( 2x sunblaze t5 48s under aero)

Im new to being a caregiver as of a week ago as well.

I assembled this system in hopes of having eveything dialed in... then going to my

Local club to get clones to get started.

Well as of friday this plan of mine? Is no longer feasible...

So where do I go to get my plants now? I have obligations to my patients that I can no longer fulfill. :o


Well-Known Member
Let me be the gentleman about it then, I live near the tri-cities. Mid state michigan. If your around my general area

And would like to talk please feel free to pm me.

I do have patients that I am obligated to provide for.

I have no problem sending out coppies of my cards to you either if your worried.

I forgot about how helpful this community was. Thank you everyone.


Well-Known Member
Which clubs closed? Just because of the ruling, it doesn't mean they closed...
All the phone numbers are disconnected and the "were closed" signs are plastered

All over the beacon here in bay city.

Henery st club is also failing to light its sign outside anymore..


Well-Known Member
I think we can assume many attorneys will see this as a game changer causing renegotiated terms with clients that just can no longer afford this game :(