Colorado rats deserting the ship and circumventing the will of the people


Well-Known Member
Two successful recalls and a third about to happen, the supposedly high and mighty, ethical Dems in Colorado take the coward's way out to preserve their majority. Why would this be necessary when a "majority" of citizens support these increases in gun control? Why would this be necessary when the Republicans will never win another major election? I thought it was all unicorns and rainbows for the Democrat party as far as the eye can see?

The Dems resorted to this because they KNEW she was going to lose the recall election, they practically admitted as much. How could the Dems lose the majority in a state that has gone blue, never to even return to purple, as we have been told so often since the 2012 election?


Well-Known Member
Well it was a good tactic, she can't be recalled and a repub won't be able to take her seat now.


Well-Known Member
Two successful recalls and a third about to happen, the supposedly high and mighty, ethical Dems in Colorado take the coward's way out to preserve their majority. Why would this be necessary when a "majority" of citizens support these increases in gun control? Why would this be necessary when the Republicans will never win another major election? I thought it was all unicorns and rainbows for the Democrat party as far as the eye can see?

The Dems resorted to this because they KNEW she was going to lose the recall election, they practically admitted as much. How could the Dems lose the majority in a state that has gone blue, never to even return to purple, as we have been told so often since the 2012 election?
are you too dumb to realize the consequences of low turnout and high turnout elections?

were you just trying to inform us that you are cripplingly stupid when it comes to basic political calculations of this sort?

i really don't get the point.


Well-Known Member
are you too dumb to realize the consequences of low turnout and high turnout elections?

were you just trying to inform us that you are cripplingly stupid when it comes to basic political calculations of this sort?

i really don't get the point.


New Member
I am sure her party heads demanded she resign in order to give the seat to someone else. Now that she has resigned do they have a special vote or does the governor appoint?


Well-Known Member
are you too dumb to realize the consequences of low turnout and high turnout elections?

were you just trying to inform us that you are cripplingly stupid when it comes to basic political calculations of this sort?

i really don't get the point.
Of course you don't, unless the roles were reversed. Then you'd understand completely and couldn't mash your finger on the "like" fast enough.

If all it took was a low turnout election to recall someone, they wouldn't have just had the first and second successful recalls in the history of Colorado, you simpering halfwit. The first two fought it because they couldn't imagine losing. This made the scumbags rethink their options because they KNEW they were going to lose again.

Yup, Colorado is going to be the model of gun control for the entire country. I only heard and read that a few thousand times since those pukes passed their heinous bullshit.

Keep spinning, it's not transparent at all.


Well-Known Member
Of course you don't, unless the roles were reversed. Then you'd understand completely and couldn't mash your finger on the "like" fast enough.

If all it took was a low turnout election to recall someone, they wouldn't have just had the first and second successful recalls in the history of Colorado, you simpering halfwit. The first two fought it because they couldn't imagine losing. This made the scumbags rethink their options because they KNEW they were going to lose again.

Yup, Colorado is going to be the model of gun control for the entire country. I only heard and read that a few thousand times since those pukes passed their heinous bullshit.

Keep spinning, it's not transparent at all.
the only chance that the lunatic fringe has is in a super low turnout election.

otherwise, when people actually show up to vote, the right loses HARD.

it's not difficult to figure out, you simpering halfwit.

recall them, put them up to election again, and watch them win again.


Well-Known Member
the only chance that the lunatic fringe has is in a super low turnout election.

otherwise, when people actually show up to vote, the right loses HARD.

it's not difficult to figure out, you simpering halfwit.

recall them, put them up to election again, and watch them win again.
Well the Republicans can always try to suppress the vote
Not that they would ever do anything as unconstitutional as that


Well-Known Member
well the republicans can always try to suppress the vote
not that they would ever do anything as unconstitutional as that
suppressing the vote is their only chance.

They made their bed decades ago when they decided to appeal to the bigoted, conservative white base. A shrinking demographic if there ever were one.

Not too long before texas is blue.


Well-Known Member
suppressing the vote is their only chance.

They made their bed decades ago when they decided to appeal to the bigoted, conservative white base. A shrinking demographic if there ever were one.

Not too long before texas is blue.
ever any prosecutions in that?


Well-Known Member
Or the good ole Republican tactic of redistricting. Just sweep the rug right out from under potential threatening candidates.


Well-Known Member
Or the good ole Republican tactic of redistricting. Just sweep the rug right out from under potential threatening candidates.
Dont forget to attack the money

Try to break unions

They back Pro Labor candidates and have succesful get out the vote campaigns

Or activist groups who run voter registration drives in poor areas that trend democratic (acorn)


Well-Known Member
Or the good ole Republican tactic of redistricting. Just sweep the rug right out from under potential threatening candidates.
or how about 1 voting booth per precinct..whaaaaaaaaaat? and suddenly there's a shortage??*schuylaar yiddish impression


Well-Known Member
are you too dumb to realize the consequences of low turnout and high turnout elections?

were you just trying to inform us that you are cripplingly stupid when it comes to basic political calculations of this sort?

i really don't get the point.
LOL, we kicked out Morse from the springs and Giron (heavy dem district) from Pueblo. Excuses, excuses. Hudak was toast, even my liberal neighbors knew that. Did you hear what she said to the rape survivor about "the statistics are not on your side"? Holy shucking fit! She did not stand a chance!


Well-Known Member
Did you hear what she said to the rape survivor about "the statistics are not on your side"? Holy shucking fit! She did not stand a chance!
I wonder where she gets her statistics from?

1998 FBI data that found 12 women had used handguns to kill their attackers that year, while 872 women had been murdered by a handgun wielded by an attacker.

Read more:

Sen Hudak most likely attended ASU and therefore cannot do math.

anyway, even though her math is off, somehow she thinks this data that compares UNARMED women to ARMED women will somehow hold water. It is a complete fabrication.

The facts are that 872 UNARMED women were murdered by a gun wielding maniac vs 12 ARMED women that killed their attackers.



Well-Known Member
LOL, we kicked out Morse from the springs and Giron (heavy dem district) from Pueblo. Excuses, excuses. Hudak was toast, even my liberal neighbors knew that. Did you hear what she said to the rape survivor about "the statistics are not on your side"? Holy shucking fit! She did not stand a chance!
yes, republican causes do very well as long as voter turnout is low.

if people actually show up to vote, your lunatic fringe causes get lauhed away at the polls.

that's a fact, smarty.

perhaps you might want to try rebuttingg what i actually say next time.


Well-Known Member
yes, republican causes do very well as long as voter turnout is low.

if people actually show up to vote, your lunatic fringe causes get lauhed away at the polls.

that's a fact, smarty.

perhaps you might want to try rebuttingg what i actually say next time.
Depends on what is being promised. You can get a lot of sheep to show up by ringing the dinner bell and promising all sorts of AWESOME things. Movements like these need lots of hopium addicts that only see whats in it for themselves. Works on both flavors of sheep too.